My ATC 20s have been banned

wadia-miester said:
Can of worms time, I've owned the 50's which left me stone cold, very accurate studio monitors for sure (if lacking a little lower down the registars) for music I'm afraid they don't cut for me, I like a little more meat & potatoes than Calistar Flockheart.
I can even tell you about a gent who has 5 atc 150's, who needed the subs to help the bottom end, and still reckons they have no thwack, seriously true!!!!

I quite liked the tonality of the active 50s I had, nice music making, I didn't find them cold at the time, tastes do change, but I can quite understand about the thwack issue, I havne't heard many spx. that do thwack.
Dreadfully disappointing to realise 9 inchers, or even 15s don't thwack.
Even proacs response 3 which are giants weren't any better than my bro's respose 1sc's.

The harbeths' are great, one of the very best, but i thought the bass was a bit of a limp lettuce, in comparison to the peerless mid and top.
Interesting, alan shaw said he doens't like forwardness, but I did find them a tad forward.
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Lt Cdr Data said:
I quite liked the tonality of the active 50s I had, nice music making
I found that as well - great tonally and make pretty good music.. And they give an idea of what's going on in the bottom octave - much more than I feel a lot of hifi speakers with that 50ish HZ bloom so it sounds impressive..

Harbeth 40s gave a much better picture of the bass, with that lovely BBC mid/top - though they are big buggers when sat on their stands, and not the most handsome of speakers.. Heavy as well, especially if you get the active ones..

However, I can recommend THESE again for those who don't mind a strange pagoda in their living room. I like the look of them, and they sound brilliant (at least as good as anything else at the £3k mark), with an amazing soundstage..

Otherwise Kef 104/2s 2nd hand are a great bargain..
leonard smalls said:
Harbeth 40s gave a much better picture of the bass, with that lovely BBC mid/top - though they are big buggers when sat on their stands, and not the most handsome of speakers.. Heavy as well, especially if you get the active ones

Any idea of their cost in active form? Also, do they have digital equalisation? The Harbeth website is curiously devoid of info on those.
Markus, drop an email to Alan Shaw (the contact email's on the website), he's very happy to answer questions.

-- Ian
Markus Sauer said:
Any idea of their cost in active form? Also, do they have digital equalisation? The Harbeth website is curiously devoid of info on those.
Try Canford:

They're nearly £6k active, and if I remember correctly have nothing fangled and digital in them (pah!), but they do have a bass/treble level control of some sort..
Passive are £4250.
leonard smalls said:
Try Canford:

They're nearly £6k active, and if I remember correctly have nothing fangled and digital in them (pah!), but they do have a bass/treble level control of some sort..
Passive are £4250.

yes afaik, most actives have analogue stuff on board, amplification, one to each speaker unit, an active crossover, this IMO largely will set the 'tone', and give that studio sound, protection to drive units via limiters, and a volume boost/cut(shelving filter) on both top and bottom, and perhaps frequency cut for room adjustment.

you pays £1800 for this on the harbeths, I bet they are nice, you get around 250 watt amps for this. May be a tad clean with the amps, sometimes its nicer to get outboard amps, Michell alectos or sugden masterclass would partner these nicely methinks
Matt@Nearfield said:
lads, My ATC 20s have been banned... been told outright I'm not allowed them in the living room by 'er indoors - which, if I'm honest, is understandable; they are butt-ugly (they are the old ones).

So what else is there in a similar ball park worth looking/listening at/to?

The initial brief was for active speakers, but this has now been extended to include small footprint drivers, so towers/floorstanders seem to be order of the day.

ll help extremely greatfully recieved:D
i know how matt feels. i bought a pair of martin logan sequal SL3's last week and the other half won't allow me to connect them up. looks like i won't even get to hear them as she says they go or i go!
r&r is she really that bad that she would end your relationship over them?!?!

I think I'd be tempted to say

' if our relationship means less to you than the aesthetics of our living room, then maybe YOU should go!'

Dont listen to me though, you'll end up a bachelor!
Call her bluff.

If you relationship is worth anything then you'll stay together. If a pair of speakers is all it takes to finish a relationship then it isn't worth having anyway.
Joel on your link to the harbeth site there is a man looking lovingly at a pair.

In order to enjoy these speakers do you need to wear a jumper like that, and do you need to smoke a pipe?
To all guys on here that have a problem with their wife/girlfriend insisting that speakers are ugly. Just tell them that you are willing to change as long as they look like this.

A nice top end, beautifull bottom end and I bet the middle range is pretty hot.

However, if you have one that already looks like this, what the HE_LL you moaning about.


I was talking about the speakers!!!!

With a pair like that and a tight bottom end in your room, who cares about her eyes!!!!!

(she is actually on of USA' top models).

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