My new toy

Mike my Fiance works for Kodak. Last year they confessed that 2.2meg cameras produced as good a picture quality as normal film at normal picture sizes.

I think Kodak are slowly realising that digital is the only way forward. Last year digital cameras outsold normal ones. The tide is turning.

I really love this E10, its big and solid and you just know you are going to get a great pic. I am very impressed with the darker shot as well, literaly no artifacts if you take the right shot. And frankly 4 mega pixels is more than enough with the phtoshop to come up with shots up to A3 with no problems at all, what more does an ametaur need?

Kodak also have a 14 mega pixel camera about to hit the world, could be interesting. Although one of its competiors has come up with a CCD over twice as fast as the best available right now, probably my only nigle with the E10 is the speed of shot taking.
I've got one of them there Rohmanns that I picked up at a really good price, slightly used.

What is your arm and what tracking weight do you use? I've found that the little beast can be quite fussy?
hi Steve, nice to see Merlin's let you out of the speaker thread. Is he still banging on about his flashy graphic equaliser? :D

I'm using a Hadcock 242SE and I'm tracking at 2.4gm at the moment, which sounded best to me, although no doubt I'll change it slightly in a few weeks when it's run in properly. I found it's very sensitive to correct azimuth, so I guess it wouldn't work too well in an arm like a Rega without any azimuth adjustment (luckily the Hadcock's very easy to tweak). It's beginning to sound really sweet now, and still *unbelievably* quiet. Very pleased.

-- Ian
I haven't set up the Rohmann on my home system yet but used it at the High End Show in Frankfurt where it was on the top of the range Origin Live arm (on loan from O.L.). The cartridge worked fine in that arm.

My home turntable is currently a Michell Mycro with an RB300 and I will probably buy an Origin Live Silver arm for it and try the Rohmann in that, unless someone can give me a good reason why not. What do you think?
Worth a try. Never actually heard an OL arm in a familiar setup, and the fixed azimuth *may* be a small problem (but I'm sure nothing major). Maybe you should try it on your RB300 first and see? If it's not a good match for the Rega it probably won't be a good match for the OL Silver, and it's easier to try a range of arms than return a cartridge that's been used, I'd guess.

If you want the email address of the German dealer where I got mine from (he seems to offer the whole Ortofon range, all at around half UK prices) send me a private message.

-- Ian
Originally posted by sideshowbob
Worth a try. Never actually heard an OL arm in a familiar setup, and the fixed azimuth *may* be a small problem (but I'm sure nothing major). Maybe you should try it on your RB300 first and see? If it's not a good match for the Rega it probably won't be a good match for the OL Silver, and it's easier to try a range of arms than return a cartridge that's been used, I'd guess
Yes, the Silver is a derivative of the Rega arm so I could try the cartridge in the RB300 first. Good idea. If it all goes pear shaped I'm sure I could sell it on eBay (with or without Kleenex) and get what I paid. I've also got a Shure V15vXMR which is reckoned to be quite good (I haven't heard it yet). So that could be an alternative if needed.

Azimuth shmazimuth - what do I know, I design speakers