Nectar Card - something useful!


Good Evening.... Infidel
Jun 25, 2003
Reaction score
In a world of pain
I have a nectar card, which I got when I used to shop often at sainsbury's. All I used it for was to take some money off my shopping when I'd built up enough, but then I stopped shopping often at sainsbury's and they wouldn't let me redeem them (you have to shop more than once in three months...).

With my electricity and gas also linked to it, I built up 3400 points.

I thought that since I wasn't shopping at sainsbury's anymore and unable to redeem them that it was pretty pointless (sic). However, I have just discovered that is not true.

On the nectar website you can redeem points for CDs and DVDs... Fairly mainstream stuff, but still nice to get them for "free".

Examples are Scrubs series for 3200 points, Bob Dylan's Modern Times for 1600, Thea Gilmore's new album for 1800.

So, if you have a nectar card then you can feed your music or film passion.
I always use my tesco points for cd or alcohol as little treat.

Whats the new Thea album like? Avalanch wasn't my fave

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