Need a Turntable

Well done,...I contacted Definitive Audio and they informed me that it was actually being sold by one of their customers. They gave me the number but I never made contact, got too many other important issues to worry about to be honest (just about to finally got to Court to get a compensation ruling on a case I file against a garage for wrecking my car engine, plus am about to go off to the USA for four-weeks to see a specialist for my health problems).

If it were me though and I read a thread from another member who seemed interested in an item for sale I would at least contact them to say that I would also be pursuing it ;) Just good ethics and manners.

Enjoy the Nottingham anyway.
listeningear, i'm sorry for that, but i found this thread mentioning this specific t/t after i'd done the deal this morning.
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robert_cyrus said:
listeningear, i'm sorry for that, but there wasn't a post between 13th jan and me today, i only phoned definitive yesterday. and i found this thread about the t/t after i'd done the deal this morning.

No problem, as the Yanks would say,..."it's all good!"

Glad to see that the t/t went to good home, hope you get many years of enjoyment out of it ;) Maybe I will bring my vinyl round to you one day :D

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