Ursine Audiophile
I just have this vision of turning my humble PC into a TACT RCS2.2 for £100 :lol:
PBirkett said:There is a soundcard out now that has been out for a few months but looks very promising indeed, and could well be a step up from the usual M-Audio / Terratec cards, and better still, it doesnt cost any extra than an Audiophile 2496.
The card is the E-MU 0404, a single PCI card based on the flagship AKM AK4395 DAC, a newer chip to the one used in the current SuperDAC 2496. The specifications look very impressive and the price is good too - £70.
This card should give superb performance for a modest outlay, and should be firmly at the top of anyones list now when considering sub £100 soundcards. I am likely to buy one myself at the end of this week, as it can also drive high impedance headphones very well too.
Well Creative own E-MU, but their cards are a completely different kettle of fish to Creative cards.
I thought the EMU 0404 had a better DAC than the Audiophile 192?
FWIW someone on headfi really seems to believe that the quality of the PSU is important for the EMU, and I have a very good one.
As for the DAC, if you look on the card it should have a DAC chip with the model number printed on it. There was a discussion on headfi about the M-Audio Audiophile 192 and it was said the EMU was better.
and to my ears the EMU sounds absolutely f-ing fantastic
Something to think about if one already has a computer anywhere near the hifi, IMHO.