New cables or new player...

That is not true, Krell offered to the original owner their new completely updated top processor for 2.000 US$ + the old one, it was 3.000 for later owners, a lot cheaper than upgrading the TAG, I only got 55% of what I paid for mine, and that was before the news... :mad:

Processors, at least new, should be bought from authorized dealers, there is much upgrading going on, I wouldn't risk, not to mention the voltage issues... :rolleyes:
Well boys, My bro Ditched his Chord processor for the Belcanto pre-pro, and it's bloody good wit music too, has the same dac topology as the DAC2, but the movie stuff is pretty awesome
Krell mega over priced dog Tripe, that would keep the guys at JCB out of work if there ever decided to go into pile driving:p WM
Originally posted by lowrider
That is not true, Krell offered to the original owner their new completely updated top processor for 2.000 US$ + the old one, it was 3.000 for later owners

So long as they are happy staying with a manufacturer who uses off the shelf chipsets and charges an arm and a leg for sticking it down with blue tack in the turret of a Sherman tank;)

If they want to upgrade to Theta, Lexicon, BC, EAD or ML, then they are well and truly shafted.

Processors, at least new, should be bought from authorized dealers, there is much upgrading going on, I wouldn't risk, not to mention the voltage issues...

Easy, get the seller to ship to the manufacturer for voltage conversion, then get them to ship onto you. Many of the adverts on Audiogon are placed by authorised dealers only to happy to get by on far smaller margins than those enjoyed by the RipOff HiFi Dist. Europe.Inc.

Krell mega over priced dog Tripe,

Eloquent Tony, Eloquent:D
TAG also uses of the shelf chipsets, the same as in Denon receivers, KRELL uses the same as in Onkyo receivers, I prefer Onkyo receivers... :p

As for over priced, the Showcase costs the same as the AV32R DP, give or take a couple of 100 euros, its features are similar to TAG's, plus it has balanced outputs like the quite more expensive AV192R, class A circuitry, KREL has not stopped development, etc...

I read in Audio Asylum this guy that has ML CDP and prefers the sound using the Showcase's DACs, can't be that bad... :confused:

But in the end what will matter most is how it works in my system, and that I will let you know as soon as I get it... :MILD:
i thought tag used a sharc dsp running custom code for their decoding and processing. i think what merlin means by off the shelf is something like a pre packaged deal with processing and software all pre written by a 3rd party.


Originally posted by julian2002
i think what merlin means by off the shelf is something like a pre packaged deal with processing and software all pre written by a 3rd party.

Spot on Julian, my point being that it's really an Onkyo dressed up pirdee:D Krell have no pedigree in AV processing, neither from the experience I have had, do they make excellent amplifiers (I should add, at their pricepoints).

It just strikes me that the Showcase is flavour of the month, simply because it is the first AV processor from "the mighty Krell" that mortals think they can afford, and it's had a few well paid for, sorry written reviews. Sadly I have yet to see any studios employing Krell reverb! For that money, you could get an MC1 and a decent two channel pre like an LS16 s/h. I know that you would not have the EQ function, and once you have been exposed it is difficult to go back to listening to your room instead of the music, but you could always investigate the TCS2 at just $13K!!!!!!!!!

Hey it's not my money, so it's not a problem:D Antonio might well really like the Krell, after all he was a fan of the AV32R which I confess I was not (although the BP192 was better) But I would certainly audition the likes of Theta (Casablanca, not the Nova) and quite possibly others prior to jumping in.
The Sharcs are exactly the same as in the Denon receivers, as for custom code, I know Krell didn't have any for their first processors, but in this fifth generation they now have proprietary DSPs and room equalization, and there where some updates already, for instance their EQ didn't include the LFE channel, now it does, I have to guess that changed too... :rolleyes:

Also, usually the entry level models from top companies are a good deal, as they share the components and technology of their more expensive gear, as does the Showcase... :MILD:

Also, Udo Zucker used KRELL and Wilson until he developed TAG, so our tastes must be similar... :merc:


I will say it, you are biased to British kit... :p

As for me, In my original hifi saga, over twenty years ago, I concluded I preferred Americam amplification, ended up with McIntosh, and European speakers, the KEF 104.2 where my choice, and I still think the same way... :cowboy:
Originally posted by lowrider

I will say it, you are biased to British kit... :p
Antonio, I think WM was joking about that because he has:
American transport
American DAC
American amplifier
American speakers
(and American power cables and ICs as far as I know)


Quite a lot of American gear for someone biased against it :D

Mike, I use British Brains to do the Tweeking :D The power conditioners are Trichord, the Isolation is British Townsend and Larc Audio (anyone seen/heard from Zic?).
The Rack is British, the HF filter is Oslen again British, oh and the digital I/c's are British some real bunch of oddballs in Gloucestershire do them :)
I do have a pet hate for Krell as well (Levinson being not far behind, so all those M/F boy's your in good company :cool: )
So I'm equaly Baised towards 'uninspiring and uninvolving' gear. WM
Just trying to stir him up a bit, like you did... :JPS:

Pet hates are a bit childish, but I do have mine too, for instance Meridian, Nordost, Transparent, B&W, etc... :baby:

And I am biased against the "old" BBC sound... :rolleyes:

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