New proposed system (help please)


try some electrostatics.
try some high sensitivity speakers.

try valve amps aswell as solid state.

got to cover all the bases!
I've got the FA-2 interconnect (copper + silver foil hybrid).
As with most of the recent influx of Chineese gear it seems well made.
Very smooth sounding.
Could sound quite dull/boring in the wrong system.
£83 for a 1M length from Ebay if you're interested.

Their speaker cables are receiving quite good reviews (if that actually means anything !) - may be worth a try.
I'm sure its not true of all the chinese gear but there have been a few reports of dodgy transformers, there was one over at WAD, an 845 iirc, hummed all the time. Plus there was that review (Hifi World?) of the thing that they got with wires hanging off or something.
If you don't know what your ordering probably safer to stick with Edenlake etc.
I can recommend the Advantage, wot with having bought one myself!
Should be quite easy to find one 2nd hand for <£2k..
And Speaker-wise and amp-wise you could try - the Sugden Masterclass Pre-power combo makes serious music, and would go very nicely with the Impulse H4 horns also for sale at the Emporium...
There are some good s/h prices around for a Dax Decade. Try

And if you are considering going the PC route, and that must be the way of the future, then a dac, rather than an integrated CDP is a good idea. So stick to your orginal plan, I'm sure you have been thinking about it. GaryG is also worth contacting about the DaxDecade and the type of music you describe.

Dunkyboy's active ATC 20s did well with the DAX btw.
Thanks Ditton, I noticed there was a guy selling a DAX decade with balance o/ps for the very good price but I dont know if it is still available and the guy did not give an email address on the ad just a mobile number so I am a bit sceptical about it. I have already emailed David at Audiosynthesis about a s/h Dax Dedace. It sounds like a possible route together with a Squeezebox2 with a home build decent PSU or a USB to SPDIF converter. I can then route everything through the DAC (2 satellite receivers, PCs, etc) but then again a s/h wadia or advantage ... Lots to think about. Now where is that BelCanto...?
the advice I'm given, from Nic on AVTalk, is dont lose sleep over not having the Balanced version, and I can confirm that getting Black Gates fitted to either single ended or balanced is very worthwhile as upgrade. BUt yes, do be in touch with DavidH.

btw, I've been dithering over the belcanto for a while, so am bad example!

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