

Jun 19, 2003
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I've been backing everything up to cd for the new harddrive (other thread).

Must have clicked something I shouldn't have. Really don't know how I oculd have done this! And I imagine it must have even asked me to confirm! But instead of adding MOre files to the cd, I started it off on "delete all" :eek:


And worse still........ I'd been deleting the files as I went along off the HDD!

And worse still (again)..... yes, I'd emptied the recycle bin!!!

There were a few "replacable" things like some small prog's and such. But also a lot of photo's which I really want back.

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MO, you're running XP, no ?
there should be an "un-delete" option.
or use system restore ? and restore back to a point before u started backing up.
personally, i would leave the old hard drive alone, when u have the new one running ok, hook the old one in as a 2nd drive, and back up to the new drive.
I ended up doing a search for recovery programs and found a few to recover the deleted files. However, they all warned against recovering to the same drive. So, thought ok, seems like I should be ok, just chuck the new drive in, then recover to that.

So carried on burning the last stuff to cd. But it seemed to freeze and took ages. Cancelled it, wasn't really bothered about ruining the cd (was a rw anyhow).

But...... I think that when canceling, it deleted the temp files OVER the space where files I'd lost earlier!!!

I think they're gone for good.

Yes I'm on XP PRO. Don't see any undelete options. Will give syatem restore a go....


MO :)
You won't be making that mistake again :D . Golden rule of moving stuff around: make sure it's safely at the destination before getting rid of it at the source.


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