Northern Bakeoff mk 2


The 14th of August is fine for me. What the plan of action this time? I will, once again, bring a range of interesting music.

P.s. What are these prototypes you have been on about?

Plan of action is down to plain, simple bake-off: chat, drink, eat, play music, maybe swap some kit. I am 99.9% sure I won't have access to anything from work, but tone might bring something.
My I suggest you borrow a 301/2 from MAX, and demo at home, for a true reprsentative picture, failing that an 861.
Also that would give you a chance to manaerise it
I've not yet heard any a/v processer (even well played with Lexi's) that could produce anything close to decent 2 channel sound.
Thanks Tony

I would feel obliged to buy from MAX if I had a dem with them, I've already been there and had a change of heart on dCS kit so I'll pass on that.

I was looking into the Wadia 7, as I already have a decent DAC, but having just spent quite a wedge on having the G98 transport modified and ultimately finding that I prefer a stock Meridian 500 I need to stop buying things blind. I've got an Apogee Big Ben arriving next week and could have bought a Wadia 7 for what I've spent in the last month on the cost of modifying the G98 transport, buying the 500 transport and the Big Ben master clock.


The 7 is nice transport, you just have to be careful where you put the PSU, and a aftermaket umbilical pays dividends too, I've only ever modded one of these very rare, and being a 2 box unit not every ones cup of tea.
Though they are supremely musical :)
The 270 SE is a better bet IMHO.
If you wish to hear how a correctly set wadia can sound then please PM
Isaac Sibson said:
Ok, can people reconfirm attendance? This is weekend after this one, saturday 14th.

Yep, can definitely make it :) Isaac is it still okay for me to bring the stock superdac up?

I'll PM you or give you a shout on IRC for directions (or give me a postcode and I'll let the AA routeplanner do the rest :), since it seems a fairly straightforward journey up until I get off the motorway).

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