The BP line-only preamp [the more expensive copper chassis version], BP P21 [20w push-pull like the BP20, but with only one power supply rather than two] and beautiful ebony Living Voice OBX-Rs we ordered from Kevin arrived over the course of this week.
The amps came first. Had to connect them to our baby Sonus Faber Concertinos as the OBX-Rs weren't quite ready. The system sounded great with the limited amounts of records we had time to play. Our record player [original Roksan Xerxes/Artimez/Audio Technica ATOC30/Tom Evans Microgroove Plus] sounded especially good [less "forced" than CD, though that might have something to do with the unattenuated i/c we used]. When we had our previous amp, the Sonus Faber Musica integrated, the record player sounded a little thin. We were especially struck at how much less intrusive the surface noise/hum from the phono stage was.
The OBX-Rs arrived on Tuesday night. I'd just got back from France so was a little knackered - the speaker cable quotient of the OBX-Rs is a little daunting. There's a bi-wired set from amp to crossover then another bi-wired set from crossover to speakers. With the help of my wife Sarah-Jane and clear instructions we got them up and running pretty quickly. We put the speakers a little further out into the [small] room than the Sonus Fabers, but about the same distance apart, with no spikes [yet]. We poured some wine and I put the first record on.
I've never heard anything so beautiful. We didn't take our turntable to Definitive - we travelled up twice from Tunbridge Wells, once to check out the power amp and speakers, the next to check whether our Denon DVD2900/DAC64 Mk 1 sounded OK with the amps/speakers, and to choose a preamp. [Kevin used a Kondo pre-amp at our first dem - we ended up choosing the new BP pre-amp as above]. S-J and I both thought that the BP held its own, but we didn't actually audition it against the Kondo, and we'd heard the Kondo a full moth before. We're more than happy with the BP pre, and we couldn't have afforded the Kondo anyway. I buy less records than CDs, and as the car was jammed with amps/speakers/CD players etc we left the Roksan at home when auditioning. To tell the truth, if we had got the new kit and the Roksan had sounded rubbish through it, we would have sorted out that at a later date.
The Roksan's staying. It sounds AMAZING. Kings of Leon, Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, Madonna, Dvorak and loads of other vinyl in the next three hours were incredible. Surface noise was ZERO. Instruments [ie Coltrane's sax] sounded real. We really had to pinch ourselves, it was that good. A touch bass-light, but moving the speakers by a bit will probably sort that out.
Therefore I suppose we could say that in our system the OBX-Rs, or the synergy between the BP amps and OBX-Rs made all the difference.
We'll be paying back quite a lot of money over the next year but the whole idea was to splurge the money while we could afford it [ie before babies].
Finally, I can't recommend Kevin and Lynn enough. They are passionate about what they do, give loads of their time and are friendly and a pleasure to deal with.
Sorry about the ramble.