A few observed "types" this morning in the snow: 1) "A bit of frozen water doesn't stop me!". This kind of driver ignores the fact that snow has fallen, and continues to drive mere inches from your bumper and can't understand why you might possibly not be driving at 60mph. 2) "Peek-a-boo!" This driver has cleared a small letterbox on their windscreen. They have decided that side windows, exterior mirrors, rear window and particularly lights don't need to be cleared. We all know what you can't see can't hurt you. 3) "What the hell is wrong with this thing?!" This driver has made an obvious link, that if the car doesn't pull away with the normal speed the answer is to apply more throttle to make it go faster. Confusion reigns as the car continues not to move. 4) "Look at me, look at me, DON'T LOOK AT ME!" This fashion victim bought their mercedes sportcoupe (c class hatch) or BMW compact in better weather. They're completely unprepared for handling RWD at the best of times, and snow has completely got them. May also be seen in SLK, Chrysler Crossfire and BMW Z4.