Ohm's acoustic law and stuff

Or perhaps this one from The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America -- April 1993 -- Volume 93, Issue 4, p. 2385, entitled Pitch, masking, and Ohm's law for hearing is more convincing?

It is easy to demonstrate that if you alter the relative phase of more than 1 continuous unchanging signals [what the mathematician call periodic], you cant hear it. Presumably this is what Oedipus and Mr Ohm are wittering about. If it's a law, there is a good reason why it is fairly unknown - it's only partially relevant. Personally I agree with Michael that it is NOT a law since I can 'disprove' it in 3 sentences with no maths, which is why I questioned it.
oedipus said:
What your talking about is the phase difference of a single frequency. If you think about it, you can shift that signal in time (ie phase shift it) and still have the same phase difference at the ear. So, if my CD player/amp/speaker phase shifts that frequency, it doesn't upset the phase difference.
I know. If you look back you'll see the key point I was making is this:

Obtaining spatial info. from ITD means we are sensitive to arrival time of sounds. Actually, more than that, that we are sensitive to the arrival time of specific parts of a cycle. This is not information from a power spectrum, whilst your initial assertion was that it was only the power spectrum that was relevant in terms of sound.
The one place I'm left wondering if phase shifts might be relevant is over the leading edges of sounds, but if there's an issue here or not is going to depend on the time resolution of hearing which I'm not sure of.
michaelab said:
Err...no it's not. Take a look at this article. Seems to be relevant to this discussion and the guy also mentions Ohm's acoustic law and in fact has data to confirm its validity.

If you Google for "Ohm's Acoustic Law" you'll find many references to it.

Next time Mark I suggest that you read up a little on both the subject matter and the posts of the relevant forum member before launching a rather silly attack which is just going to end up making you look like a fool.

You are right and I withdraw my comments.

Apologies all round.

merlin said:
Using Tact and employing 10th order crossovers, the effect of altering the time delay to the satellites in relation to the sub was quite noticable as I mentioned before in this forum. Now it seems I need an explanation

Hmm. How accurately does the Tact system keep the amplitude constant while you're changing the time delay? Obviously if that's changing even by small amounts it could certainly be audible.

I suppose in extremis the time delay must become audible at some stage - ie. if the bass sounded five seconds after the treble you'd certainly notice it - but I don't suppose the time delays you're talking about would be anything near what you'd need for that.

Otherwise, it could be in your head :D
Good Point Pete. If in doubt blame the kit :D

This forum is in grave danger of making any self respecting hifi lover slit their f*cking wrists at the moment!

FFS, we have managed to prove that all Dacs sound the same, all amplifiers sound the same, positioning of drive units makes no difference, cables no difference, stands no difference, mains no difference. So what's left ?

As a mountain biker, I take great pleasure in owning a Titanium bike that weighs all of 3lb less than your average Raleigh. Until someone proves to me that it isn't any quicker than anything else I will continue to get a real pleasure out of thinking I have bought the best and it has made me a better rider.

It's called a hobby, something to take our minds off the monotony of everyday life. I fukcing hate scientists! What fukcing pleasure do they get out of life I ask myself? Shopping at Asda, driving a fukcing Vauxhall Astra, what a life!

PS> I'm having a bad day :D
Dont worry Mike,

To relieve the tedium, I'll put up a thread about tuning in the sub hopefully with some nice room EQ screenshots when I am fully au fait with it.

mmmm....deeeep bass.
merlin said:
It's called a hobby, something to take our minds off the monotony of everyday life. I fukcing hate scientists!

:D . Young kids spend their time asking "Why?" lots, most people grow out of it but scientists don't ;) . Sorry.

For my part I only ever post at work, so I'm distracted from the science I should be doing by discussions that are more interesting as they relate to my hobby. I assure you when I'm at home with my HiFi I don't have this problem!
merlin said:
I fukcing hate scientists! What fukcing pleasure do they get out of life I ask myself?

Mainly pissnig on other people's parades. :D The scientific name for this process is 'peer review' BTW :)
not sure if it's what you're on about - my brain would shut down if i was forced to read most of this thread - but when i heard merlins tact / moon / crown / jbl / merlin system i played some gabba on it to see how it would cope. for some reason the tact was making the bass lag slightly and it was definately noticable (in comparison to my then system) of course the bass was much deeper but it was slightly behind the beat.

do you have a new toy?

PeteH said:
Mainly pissnig on other people's parades. :D

Bah your all the same :mad: And you can't spell to save your life!

Robbo's new toy is one impressive beast - I believe my ceiling has the cracks to prove it :D

If there's one thing we are learning on this forum it's that the only thing that's worth spending money on is your speakers. Big ones that go loud with virtually no distortion. Oh and EQ for the bottom end if possible ;)
merlin said:
This forum is in grave danger of making any self respecting hifi lover slit their f*cking wrists at the moment!

FFS, we have managed to prove that all Dacs sound the same, all amplifiers sound the same, positioning of drive units makes no difference, cables no difference, stands no difference, mains no difference. So what's left ?
What we should be doing in this first place. Start paying attention to the music again rather then the toys. Having said that there are soooooo many things else we could still check out. Do all the recording techniques sound the same? More higher resolution discs are coming round the corner to bother our hifi nervosa.

Many moons ago I did ponder whether titanium makes better mountain bike then steel. End up buying a steel one again since there was no local dealer around with one to try out. Once got that out of the way it is about the trails and mud. Rain and sun. What metal the bike is make of is no longer relevent.
merlin said:
Bah your all the same :mad: And you can't spell to save your life!
I think you mean "you're all the same". And the spelling was a mildly whimsical reference to your original deliberate misspelling, ie. a kind of proto-joke. :)
merlin said:
I fukcing hate scientists!
PeteH said:
ie. a kind of proto-joke. :)

Go on Pete,

tell us a scientist's joke that will make us all laugh!

The biggest joke is probably ruining normal people's fun on internet forums. To be honest, I don't find that one overly amusing :mad:


when your seat tube has rusted though and you are pondering what to replace your frame with, I'll still be pounding the trails without a care in the world :p

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