[URL]http://www.digave.com/videos/red-web.mpg[/URL] Woohoo!
WTF,?? this is the kind of behavour that gets cyclists a bad name, I felt quite sick just watching that. Makes me really mad at their lack of road manors, respect for other road users or pedestrians. Well I see they are wearing cycle helmets by the way their going they'll be putting them to the test pritty soon. bunch of idiots. See NY's finest are no where to be seen. I would like one of those helmet cams though, that would be really cool.
I used to ride a bit like that in London (allthough not quite as extreme). It's great fun, allthough highly dangerous. A good bit of "traffic jamming" on the way home after work was an excellent way to get the stress of work out of my system. I read somewhere that the Met Police are starting a campaign to crack down on cyclists going through red lights...that sounds like a good use of police resources . Are they going to crack down on pedestrians crossing when they're not allowed to aswell? Michael.
yeah, was fun to watch - tho most5 of my cooleagues (who crowded around my desk) were exoecting a better ending...sigh...some people!