Online CV's


Mad Madchestoh fan
Jun 19, 2003
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I am going to make an online CV probably coded in ASP rather than plain ASP so the user can pick certain information they want to read about me then this all appears in a results page. However would this be a bit over the top? I need to demonstrate my skills in web development and I am finding it quite hard. The only current commercial website I have is for my parents company and its plain HTML with no interactive features, its not a bad website but it just has too much of the 'so what' factor in it.

I am going to email lots of web and software comapanies asking for a work placement so I need somthing good to show them.
I'd presonally keep your DV simple and provide links to work you've done..?
Originally posted by mr cat
I'd personally keep your CV simple and provide links to work you've done..?

oops. meant to click on edit instead of reply...hence this extra thread!! my boss is hovering around...
style over substance or substance over style?

I see a good few CVs of people applying for positions / placements / internships "on spec" and as such they tend to contain links to every bit of work or project they have ever completed. This shotgun approach coupled with a need to demonstrate all the latest coding tricks and constructs often are the first into the rubbish file. May I suggest keeping things simple with name/age/sex ect, qualifications or title of courses being undertaken and no more than half a screen of other information that make you look like an intrestring person who will merit further investigation.

You are selling yourself as a person - the technical stuff can come later in interview by email, phone or face to face. Always remember that people hire people and want to work with people not machines.

make a few CV's each aimed at a perticular type of job keep each as breif as possible, with a good introduction.

The more info the more people have to complain about. Very few people will look at your online CV and even less will read it, if you want it just to show to personal contacts then it only needs to hold the basic information.

And although designing a site/CV is fun/:confused: make sure its clear and easy to navigate and read, and works in as many differnt browsers as possible.

I'll take a look at it after if ya want to give my appinion if ya want.
Thanks well I never got much futher than photoshop and a bit of paper I think I was probably going a bit to far over the top. I will just do a simple one, and then maybe do a good ASP site for my parents company and maybe write to a few companies asking if they want a free website so I can use those URL's in an interview situation.
Originally posted by amazingtrade
I am going to make an online CV probably coded in ASP rather than plain ASP so the user can pick certain information they want to read about me then this all appears in a results page. However would this be a bit over the top? I need to demonstrate my skills in web development and I am finding it quite hard. The only current commercial website I have is for my parents company and its plain HTML with no interactive features, its not a bad website but it just has too much of the 'so what' factor in it.

I am going to email lots of web and software comapanies asking for a work placement so I need somthing good to show them.


Don't do it it's tacky, if someone sent me a letter and the letter had a URL to a CV I wouldn't even bother looking at it.

Much better to send a CV with your letter and include a URL to your work
Lop yep it does not look too good, I am going to sort all my websites out and check all the links etc. I will sort that out tonight.
I have been editing my paper based CV today. All reads quite well until I get to my interests bit.

I feel this makes me sound like a bit of a geek.

I have an interest in technology and initiating new methods of development. I enjoy creating software applications and web sites in my spare time.

I am always following the latest developments within the internet and computing in general.I am interested in my local surrounding and make an effort to find out what is happening in my local area and within my University. I am interested in local history.

I enjoy listening to music in my spare time and have built up an audiophile HIFI system.
IMO the "interests" section in a CV is a load of BS and is best left out, regardless of what books and experts on CVs might say.

Hobbies/Interests are totally irrelevant to the job and the section only gives people an excuse not to like you based on prejudices and pre-conceptions of what people who have certain interests are like.

I get to read lots of CVs in my job and I've yet to read an "Interests" section on a CV that changed my view of a candidate in any positive way. As you said, yours makes you sound like a bit of a geek which isn't helpful. It doesn't matter that half the people who might employ you might have similar interests as they are likely also geeks (as pretty much anyone who works in IT is to a greater or lesser extent) - it will look bad.

Remember, your CV is something you use to sell yourself and in selling a vital thing is never give out information that isn't strictly necessary that could kill the sale.

I have had rather a lot of training on looking for jobs, and was gonna get a job helpiing others look for jobs but got a Systems development job instead. :)

anyway my view on the CV and intrests is you never use the same CV for any job unless it doesnt matter.

Unless what you put in your intrests will directly effect the job you are going for, either remove it or keep very minimal (ie. 1 or 2 lines at the most)

Why not just put "Ask me when you interview me."?


PS watchout for punters Googling you - it happens a lot so remember what you have said on previous CVs.
Originally posted by amazingtrade
Lop yep it does not look too good, I am going to sort all my websites out and check all the links etc. I will sort that out tonight.

Try a spell check on all your text too....

<from your site>...
"We some times sub contract work if we feel the need, however most of the work is carried out in house. We can provide both generic and beskope solutions."

That site needs to die fast its an emberassement. It has far too many errors in it. I never thought anybody would read it:mad:
Your right. If I can be perfectly blunt, I would NEVER EVER IN A MILLION YEARS buy a site from this "company" if they showed me that :lol:
thats one shitty website amazingtrade. if you want to make other companies websites i would recommend making your own look at least half decent
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