Overclockable graphics cards!

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by inteificio, Apr 10, 2006.

  1. inteificio


    Jan 7, 2005
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    I am not sure if anyone else here is into gaming on the PC but I bought a new card this weekend that clocks so heavily i thought it would be worth a mention.

    XFX 6800GS AGP. costs £150, 20 mins of test and it know clocks faster than the top of the range cards on the market.
    3dmarked at 2200 befroe clocking it, over 5000 after.

    You can't complain about that.

    depending on the card they can actually go alot further. Mine was a 16 pipeline card with 2 pipes disabled. I reactivated one (the second was faulty) and clocked it up masively. As this chip can take almost 120 degress before slowing (almost double the market average) it was an easy job.

    I am tempted to start marketing this. I buy the card attach a better cooler clock it, test it, and resell!
    inteificio, Apr 10, 2006
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