
Most overhyped band for me has to be.... The Strokes!

Why are they so popular ?? I find them really rather... pedestrian. quite boring, full of short forgettable songs that borrow from the Stones-esque "rock 'n' roll" era but frankly have little in the way of spark or innovation. Their first single, however, is their one funky exception - on an otherwise dull debut that leaves my thoughts echoing the lyrics of the opening track - Is this it?

Seems to me like the godawful NME newspaper decided one day to proclaim a band, selected at random, as the Saviour of Rock'n'Roll and then hype them up beyond belief. next year they'll probably decide they're has-beens and will rip them to shreds.
Originally posted by evilSimon
Most overhyped band for me has to be.... The Strokes!

Possibly, but most likely the Vines.

Saw them at the Social in Nottingham a year or two back (tiny little venue), when they were being touted as the next big thing after the Strokes.

They were shite.

The support band were much, MUCH more interesting and unsigned at the time - The Libertines. The Libertines returned a few weeks later having just been signed and we saw a cracking set - one band where you can believe the hype - a shame Mick Jones made such a hash of the production on Up the Bracket. Lets just hope they don't implode in a fury of drugs n booze.
On a similar note, the Thrills! Utter shite!

The manic's and stereophonics can go in there too!

Dire boring bland pants!
Originally posted by MO!
On a similar note, the Thrills! Utter shite!

The manic's and stereophonics can go in there too!

Dire boring bland pants!

Agree, agree and agree. Thre Thrills were decidely unthrilling, the manics are up there own arses and the stereophonics are just a joke.
Humm. I also seem to like most of what's been mentioned here.

I have 2 Incubus albums (Science and Morning View) and both are very good IMO. A lot more preferable to the much more overrated:

Pearl Jam

I agree The Strokes are overrated, though their first album is still worth having.

I like, The Thrills, Kings of Leon, the Vines (1st album). Franz Ferdinand are great.
Originally posted by Uncle Ants
Agree, agree and agree. Thre Thrills were decidely unthrilling, the manics are up there own arses and the stereophonics are just a joke.

Another triple-agreer here too! The Thrills are the aural equivalent of watching paint dry IMHO.

The Libertines are great - yeah, the production on Up the bracket isn't perfect, but it rocks OK on vinyl. I love the last track where he just casually goes "f*** em" - just so non-comittal and casual - pure class.
Originally posted by domfjbrown

Another triple-agreer here too! The Thrills are the aural equivalent of watching paint dry IMHO.

The Libertines are great - yeah, the production on Up the bracket isn't perfect, but it rocks OK on vinyl. I love the last track where he just casually goes "f*** em" - just so non-comittal and casual - pure class.

Oh, its not so bad I suppose - though I've only heard it on CD. Its just that after the live experience the recorded version is just kind of tame, y'know?

compared to the T'rills though its the aural equivalent of watching paint being stripped - with a flame thrower and a gatling gun - operated by drunken maniacs with a tendency to fall off the stage :MILD:

PS. on a Libertines related aside - the Pete Doherty and Wolfman single - For Lovers - is absolutely gorgeous. The boy clearly has a sensitive side (when he's not drunk/stoned/otherwise f**ked up).
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Originally posted by Uncle Ants
PS. on a Libertines related aside - the Pete Doherty and Wolfman single - For Lovers - is absolutely gorgeous. The boy clearly has a sensitive side (when he's not drunk/stoned/otherwise f**ked up).

2nd'd :) .

Best single of the year, so far, for me.
Simple, sincere and as you say gorgeous. It's just one of those songs that should make you cry but at the end of it your just smiling.
Doherty certainly surprised me with this one as, as much as I like The Libertines, I never figured him for a tune like this.

XFM and MTV2/VH2 have been playing it for a few months now, has it actually come out yet ?
Originally posted by domfjbrown
Another triple-agreer here too! The Thrills are the aural equivalent of watching paint dry IMHO.

Having spent the ast two days doing just that (watching paint dry), i'd have to say you're wrong! I'd much rather the paint than the thrills!

Not heard the Pete Doherty and Wolfman single though, I don't think.
Usher :mad: !

Good gawd, talk about giving R&B [in it's current form ;) ] a bad name :rolleyes: .

Soulless, ball-less twadled and he enjoys wearing condoms on his head.

Oh sorry,almost forgot, he can jump out of his trainers during his dance routines :wank:.
I like almost everything mentioned... both as good and bad...!

On the thread-starter incubus, I like them too. Their albums arent different enough to each other in my view, but there are some quality tunes in there. I probably should have just got a 'best of' for this band, but there we go.

NB - Julain you heard them in the car once, and I think quite liked it, but you might have been being polite! ;)

Radiohead find the plot and lose it in equal measure!.

Pearl Jam had a staggeringly good start to their career, and then went severely downhill IMO.

I can see how with Pearl Jam or Radiohead people might not like them, but Id be suprised if that also applied to 'ten' 'versus' 'ok computer' 'the bends'.

Just received a copy of White Stripes 'Elephant' - I know its old hat and I should have had it years ago, but Ive finally got it and....its excellent :)

Most overated? Amy Winehouse. I bought it on spec. Anybody want it for a fiver?
Originally posted by voodoo

XFM and MTV2/VH2 have been playing it for a few months now, has it actually come out yet ?

Indeed it is - in fact I think its made it to somewhere near the top of the chart (must have sold more than a hundred copies then :rolleyes: )

The other half went to see Doherty at a signing at Virgin in Oxford Street last week - she wanted to talk to him about Albion - anyways he was apparently off his tits and not looking very well, so she didn't.
Originally posted by MO!

Radiohead are class I tells ya!

It's easy to knock them for a)being too big now. b)preferred the MOre guitar rock sound, c) too experimental

Arse! They've done what others have failed to (see the Oasis thread) and pushed their music forward, and though their sound have expanded, they've managed to pull it off and make some of the greatest albums ever IM....... bollox. FACT :D

Bring on the poor disagreements!

I like their music BUT greatest albums ever? bollocks

They just happen to nick from different genres than Oasis, instead of the Beatles '66/T Rex/Slade axis, its the Prog/Neu/Kraut/Pole/Eno/Pixies "thang".

There is nothing "forward" about their sound, just lesser known influences...
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I own Kid A and Amnesia and they've both hardly got a play. They just seem way too pretentious and its not something you want to sit down and listen to.
I have to agree with The Manics being the most overrated band around. They really are terrible and there schoolboy politics really grates. I can't believe they managed to play that gig in Cuba, first western band or whatever it was to play there. Of all the bands they could have booked! I'm sure the cubans were rushing straight back to the bars to listen to some decent music and sip on a cerveca. And of course the Welsh big them up in that 'local boys come good' way that all welsh bands seem to get, apart from Gorkys Zygotic Mynci who are arguably the best.
This is getting daft now!

Some of the opinions expressed by some forum members of late leaves me with little hope or faith in mankind.

Radiohead are class I tells ya!

It's easy to knock them for a)being too big now. b)preferred the MOre guitar rock sound, c) too experimental

Arse! They've done what others have failed to (see the Oasis thread) and pushed their music forward, and though their sound have expanded, they've managed to pull it off and make some of the greatest albums ever IM....... bollox. FACT :D

Bring on the poor disagreements!

I'm leaving for a lovely night shift now! I'll look forward to reading MOre dafty pants replies when I return.....
RadioHead ? Have you seen the doctor latley?

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