yeah, it weas down for me before...
The MySQL server software seemed to have crashed / been taken off-line, the server itself was fine as I could ping it and use ftp. I fired an email off to support immediately, but had to go out myself so couldn't folow it up. They've not replied to my email but everything seems ok now. Tony.
Pink Fish has gone belly up! Its a forum that I gave a fair try. Not gonna miss it much, considering. BTW. TTS Mains cables (Belden 83802 based) are still doing great in the systems of many DIYers, despite 'fears' of them not being colour coded to UK standards and so on..
Thanks LS. Taking a wee break from winter, here on the west coast. Guess it will be early hours of the morning there. Looking at the prices, can't understand why prices should be so high in the UK. Guess the flaties will pay anything, in their land of make believe :JPS: