Pmc Aml1?

Yes, it's really a shame... How does AML1 compare to the other studio monitors as home audio speakers with prat and so on? For similar money one can perhaps get a K+H 0 410 or a midfield Genelec or Dynaudio. And for much less there's K+H 0 300 for instance. Any experience with these? Do you think AML1 is the optimal choice? Is it the best option for the getââ'¬â€œandââ'¬â€œforget attitude? Hope I'm not hijacking (much).

I haven't heard the K&H so I can't comment there. Dynaudio I have heard, but only at verious shows. Apart from the BM15a which is just not as good as the AML1 in any way.

Midfield Genelcs have a very different sound, and not something I would want to listen to for enjoyment. They are just uninvolving IMO. They are also not a similar speaker given the size, so its comparing apples with oranges to some degree. Not suited for home use I suspect.
Well, it's double the cost of AML1! And with a 40 cm woofer, seems to be justifiable only by a much bigger room really.
A few years ago I tried a pair of AML1s & a Bryston BP25 [I think that was the model] pre-amp. TBH I did not like the way it presented music, very much upfront and dare I suggest it, harsh.

Very well made and with bolt on stands they looked the part, were compact and all that - I found I could not live with their sound.
Thanks for the replies - those MEG RL901k look amazing.

I have emailed PMC to see if I can get a home demo of the AML1s - I will feed back if I get the chance of a demo.

The Bryston pre-amp is most likely the cause of the upfront sound Rocker. Nick has always maintained that its a very hard sounding pre-amp. I know the AML1 is not harsh (unlike many of the domestic PMC speakers). The treble is in fact slightly rolled off.

Monty, the shop in London called KMR stock both the AML1 and the MEG. They might give a home demo. Where are you?
I agree that the monitor types are not forward at all, the ab1 is very even handed and has just the right amount of treble. You dont want to switch them off. Theyve really grown into the system.
Simon, selling them was a big mistake

While I do get somewhat nostalgic about them, I don't think it was a mistake in the long run. As I said, you should come over for a bit of a catch up. I can't really talk about everyhting these days on an open forum since many things are to do with my business.

I might be having a get together with my friends Rob and Martin around the end of the month so I'll let you know when that happens if you like.
I mostly listen at home in my office, but I have a listening room set up down the road now which is a more sensible size for gatherings. I've got a picture somewhere...

Ahh here it is
Diffusors on the side and ceiling (out of view) and absorption behind the sofa. They are my 'Ambience' panels.
Okay guys,

Here goes... I have just had to return a pair of AML1s that I have had on home demo for a little while.

Now I'm not that great at describing how 'kit' sounds, but all I can say is that these speakers are probably the best I have heard in my room!

Fast, transparent, with great pace and 'kick' - I just love these active monitors! They just give me goose bumps.

They work hard against the wall or in open space. You can tune the bass response to suit your room or preferences.

If you want a speaker to colour the music, then forget them. If you want a speaker that will be honest, then these are for you.

All the best,
