My C7 use to trip, I guess its better they trip than blow up!
Adding a psx-r helped, but didn't cure it. I would imagine that the seperate power supply helped take some of the heat away from the amp. It also helped the sound quality. If I wanted to play loud, directing a fan onto the amp stopped it tripping, but wasn't really practical.
In the end I solved the problem by getting a bel canto evo 4. You can give that some serious stick and it barely gets warm.
Adding a psx-r helped, but didn't cure it. I would imagine that the seperate power supply helped take some of the heat away from the amp. It also helped the sound quality. If I wanted to play loud, directing a fan onto the amp stopped it tripping, but wasn't really practical.
In the end I solved the problem by getting a bel canto evo 4. You can give that some serious stick and it barely gets warm.