a bit windy but got to my local for an afternoon pint of bitter, coversaaation between my friends became quite interesting, GREEN or RED , first "coment" organic honey, "WHAT" SAID FRED,? how is organic honey made? Roy replyes well the bees have being given passes to organic flowers and when they come back with the polen they are then tested that they came from those flowers, huum, said fred, surelly they use insecticide for those flowers? i as rude as ever interupct" after all they are friends" this green thing, i said, is it pushing us into the red? they went !!!!!, fred said recicle, i say, my rude comement" as a woman was present, and very GREEN and rude, i said do you recicle tampons, roy said yes just pass them on to the next cxxxx, i left in a hurry, the issue that i want to make of all this crap, WHAT IS GREEN? NANDO:confused: