Pro Audio PA Amps - Bargains to Be Had?

Do you mean non-switching as in power supplies or as in A/B sliding bias?

By the way, whats all the electronics up near the front panel?
Do you mean non-switching as in power supplies or as in A/B sliding bias?

By the way, whats all the electronics up near the front panel?

Err the latter I think but could be completely wrong(see I said I was no expert:)
The electronics is the digital control circuitry for (supply rail?)gain, limiters, meters etc. The audio signal is left unmolested by this circuitry-which is absent from the cheaper T series of amps.
I'm in over my head now Simon:D
Some technical information from MC2, I hope they do not mind I quote this without written permission, it was told roughly like this, not word by word:

"the bias is set by monitoring the distortion waveform, the crossover distortion associated with class A-B amplifiers is clearly visible without any bias (class B) then turn up the adjustment until the distortion is minimized. In fact with the output devices (which are gain matched) and drive circuit, the crossover distortion disappears into the noise floor and is typically 0.002%.
The actual current which the bias is set to (class A) differs from amplifier to amplifier, as it depends on the optimum setting for each set of output devices. It is typically only for the first few watts of output though, and then one bank of transistors is progressively turned off (class B)."
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Got one of these.... really good... xellent for the Apogee's.... 170 squid off ebay....250w per ch...high damping factor...low imd/thd..wide bandwidth...etc etc..
I really like class A. It's a convenient point between the SS class B amps I've owned and the valve amps. As valves are a current no go, the 80watts of class A my Jungson does is rather satisfying!
Hi B,
Compared it to, and use an MC T1000.
They sound identical, the only difference being when you bridge the T-it's bass softens up slightly when compared to the (now)similarly powered 1250-could be DF or power supply differences.
I use a MC1250 up to 1.5k and the T1000 on mid treble duty on my Tannoy 215's(They also work well driving my latest project; vintage Westlake TM1 clones)

Any noticeable difference re fan noise between the T and MC?
Hi Uncle Ants

I havent tried it full range in my own system. I got it because my speakers bass is too difficult a load for my 300b amp, so bought specifically to bi-amp.

I'd describe its affect on the bass as making it tight, controlled.

It works for me anyway :)
The thread discussing Gav's humungous ceiling mounted subs and the need for suitable amps got me thinking ... or rather some of the responses to it got me thinking.

Obviously there are cheap PA amps, which are I'm sure a bit rough round the edges, but some of the suggestions were for the more quality items like the MC2 amps suggested by Cooky. Something like their T1000 for example pushes out 300w with fine looking specs for less than £1k new and they have meatier fare on their lists too. Presumably other quality PA amp makers like the Lab Gruppen and Crown gear suggested by Tenson, might also fit the bill.

If one was in the market for a beefy SS amp (I mean beefy as in 100s of watts not kilowatts :) ) to drive full range speakers - and didn't want to pay through the nose for the likes of Krell, Chord, MF etc. How would this sort of thing compare? .... and just how noisy ARE those fans :)

PS. Its a serious consideration. I've been wanting to try a big beefy high damping factor SS amp with my Spendor S100s for a while. Something like a 2nd hand MC2 is eminently affordable for such an experiment.
There's a whole raft of 'em for sale on eBay at the mo'.
Ants, those babies are too heavy for most potential buyers to be interested, i.e. pro users. They all want lightweight, switched mode design now.