Qucik stylus/advice wanted

penance said:
er, i think a weight on string will be anti skate force. The counter weight (which is the arm weight) will be adjustable when you undo the grub screw.
It makes no difference whether you have changed alignment, it can still go off if the screws are not so tight (dont go trying to see if they are tight or not!)

OK thanks, all this is alien to me, if I find the weight from my cartridge is it possible to adjust it without any tools?
I'd spend anything you were going to spend on a new stylus or whatever on some scales (ebay?), a good setup record and a new alignment protractor if you can't find your old one.
The grub screw just requires a small screw driver thats no problem. I'll have a look what I need to do I probably won't have time for a while but when I graduate I will be bored and I will learn all the inns and outs of it.

I will also try and find the protractor and spare belt I have some where.

Thanks for your advice people, you have saved me money and a trip.
What if you don't have a biro though? And can you play them with a sewing needle stuck into a tin can?
Anex said:
What if you don't have a biro though? And can you play them with a sewing needle stuck into a tin can?

Back in the 60s I made a prototype CD player using a pencil torch, a modified BSR turntable and lids off tin cans. If only I'd patented it!
Back in the 60s I made a prototype CD player using a pencil torch, a modified BSR turntable and lids off tin cans. If only I'd patented it!

dang, that'd be great, the disadvantages of digital coupled with the disadvantages of LPs! A win win! Just like the laser turntable, making LPs sound digital, genius. ;)
A. T.
Having read about your problem i had a quick look at Henley Designs website where you can download a product overview for the Pro-ject Debut, this is your deck is it not? Anyhoo, i noticed that you can adjust cartridge azimuth (whether needle is perpendicular to record surface or not) with your arm (not such a simple arm after all eh?)
Azimuth is adjusted by undoing single screw somewhere on the arm, the whole armtube including headshell will rotate. So check your needle(cantilever) is 90 degrees to the record surface as you look at the cartridge front on and re-tighten arm screw, don't overdo it. This is just something you might have missed as not all arms have this facility, and if it is out your cart is not tracking properly.


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