
Ive had multiple bits of valve kit go pop.

Usually its just a capacitor or something. Cost to fix usually less than 20 quid within a couple of days.

:) I dont mind.

Musical Fidelity Electra E100 had a cap go pop once too. Cost about 50 quid going back through MF and dealer.
Seem more realiably then other stuffs like washing machine or cars.

Linn Kairn, LK100 used for 6 years without fault. Trade in. Linn Karik 10 years old and still working. Sony DVDP no fault after 4 years. My brother claim it. Tag DVD32R transport no fault so far for 3 years. Last year Tag AV32R developed an intermittent fault after 3 years and after a few attempts to locate the problem only required a new chip. TML even send it back without any charge. :( maybe that it why they got into problem?
HIFI should be more reliable than cars or washing machines though. Take a washing machine the amount of load it has to spin is quite amazing its no wonder they always break down. We get through a new washing machine every 3 years now.
I have experienced only two failures in any piece of hi-fi in last 30 years.
A failed capacitor in an Arcam Alpha 5 CD player, replaced quickly for less than £30.
Broken loudspeaker terminals in Sony TAF730ES amplifier ( cost £500 in 1991 ) caused by connecting Naim NACA5 speaker cable. Quoted £120 to repair by three separate Sony service centres, nothing to lose so soldered myself for £2.

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