Religion Debate

The difference is that even if the first statement may be true (and without knowing what the source data was and where it came from it's difficult to say), it doesn't preclude "intelligent" people from believing. The second statement doesn't allow that provision.

Of course the second statement allows that. It's what's called a "generalisation". In general, people who believe in god are less intelligent. Are you absolutely certain your IQ is over 100? ;-)

Why is it so important to be considered 'intelligent' or have a high IQ?

I don't think it's important to "be considered" intelligent. I suppose it depends who is doing the considering, though. People value intelligence in their friends/spouse. It has a great bearing on the course of your life, and if given a problem to solve, more intelligent people are more likely to reach the correct conclusion than less intelligent people.

P.S. "a leading religious think tank" did make me smile. Bless 'em.
It's what's called a "generalisation". In general, people who believe in god are less intelligent. Are you absolutely certain your IQ is over 100? ;-)

It was last time I checked. But since then, who knows, dealing with so many idiots has had a detremental effect though.....

I do retain some 'smarts' though, and certainly enough to to know that there is a difference between the statements:

"People who believe in God are less intelligent" and

"In general, people who believe in god are less intelligent"

I do hope you don't write anything important for a living :D

It has a great bearing on the course of your life, and if given a problem to solve, more intelligent people are more likely to reach the correct conclusion than less intelligent people.

True but, and I seem to be failing to properly articulate this point, it depends on what your life goals are. I know lots of people who blunder through life in ways that make me cringe but they're happy and they contribute to society. What more do you need?

I get the strong impression from your posts that your world view is that because they might not meet up to some peoples idea of 'intelligent', their life must be a bit toilet or worse.
Religious people are, on average, less intelligent than atheists.

That's what I wrote. It seems very clear to me, and the research cited in The Telegraph contained very strong evidence that it is true. You appear to be conforming.

I hope you don't have to read any important documents in the course of your employment.
That's what I wrote. It seems very clear to me, and the research cited in The Telegraph contained very strong evidence that it is true. You appear to be conforming.

I had mentioned previously, I wasn't religious. Guess you'll have to find another cause for my stupidity.

I hope you don't have to read any important documents in the course of your employment.

I do. Fortunately, I get a grown-up to help me.
While Bub has a point it is not as clear cut as he thinks - as usual. For instance a higher proportion of theoretical physicists with high IQs beleive in god than the general population. Religion is mostly about conditioning not intelligence. Ironic indeed that he "worships" glossy marketing material and has been conditioned to follow various hifi cults that I take to be a sign of low intelligence ;)

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