REM's greatest hits

cookiemonster said:
'Leave' in particular is a stonking track

Quite simply my favourite REM song - period :cool: .

NAIH is a bit of a mixed bag but there are some great tracks on there and worthy of investigation. I think you'd be able to pick it up pretty cheap these days. I managed to bag a copy in Pisa for £4 whilst on holiday.
New Adventures is my favourite REM album tied with Monster (talk about unfashionable!) and Murmur (not so unfashionable, that one ;) ). Monster and New Adventures are both terribly, painfully underrated, and both are absolute class - you just have to take a bit of time to get to know them (I disliked Monster for about 4 years before I finally saw the light!)

New Adventures is full of great tracks. Leave was my favourite for a long time, then I discovered Be Mine. Now my favourite is E-Bow the Letter. Bittersweet Me, So Fast So Numb, New Test Leper, How The West Was Won, Undertow, bloody hell they're all great!

Now I challenge you to give Monster another chance and see if you get to like it. :)

Hey Dunc,

Agree about NAIH. Just rediscovering my REM 'stack', after it having suffered quite a few years in the shadows. The last few albums i didn't spend much time with, but acquired them mainly just through habit.

The thing i remember most about 'Monster' is that it had great smelling CD liner notes, and got me hooked on tobacco. :D

I have REM in the blood, love or hate them. You need somewhere to hang your coat as a teenager, and for me, REM were it, for reasons i can't remember. But coming back to NAIH the last few days, i have actually found it rather good. Will have to give the rest of the stash a good dusting off, maybe even promote them up a shelf; they're perilously close to the skirting board at present.
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Never really took to REM in my younger days. Most of my mates were raving about them circa OOT and AFTP but I just couldn't get beyond the banality of it all. Nowadays they hardly listen to them but I have about 6 albums - go figure :confused: .

mOnster ain't bad IMO and it's a great CD for doing the cleaning to on a Sunday morning. Some nice singles on there.

Any opinions on 'Reveal' ?
This one really seemed to split REM fans but I have to say I loved it from the moment I bought it.
Any opinions on 'Reveal' ?

I honestly can't remember it, nor 'UP'. It was one of the later albums i just purchased through habit for completeness. I'll dig that one out tonight now.

I have about 30+ CD's, and somewhere well hidden are videos, press cuttings, promos etc etc... :shame:

Anybody else ever learnt the words to 'It's the end of the world...'

...this is a slippery slope.
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Didn't think too much of Reveal when it came out - couple good songs but didn't really take to it. But seeing how long it took me to take to Monster I'm not making any final statements about it just yet. :)

I *hate* Reveal. Bought into the hype - played it twice. Too embarrassed to take it back! I've got all their mainstream albums from Document onwards, but am after the earlier ones.

Monster - yeah - too damn right; a great album; oh, just 'cos it doesn't sound like OOT or AFTP it must be crap right? Wrong. "Bang and blame" and "Crush with eyeliner" are absolute class, and the whole album's a whole lot of fun.

"Sweetness follows" is my favourite track on AFTP after "Monty got a raw deal"; mind you, I like Morrissey and Leonard Cohen and so on so I go for the dark lyrics over whiney crappy pappy people ones any day of the week!
domfjbrown said:
and the whole album's a whole lot of fun.

Would agree with that.

I've probably only played Reveal a handful of times too, and not for a while. I don't think it was a bad album, just didn't really grab me. Will have to give it another spin now......
MO! said:
I've probably only played Reveal a handful of times too, and not for a while. I don't think it was a bad album

They can play on it - that's for sure. It just meandered on for too long and I just couldn't get into it. A bit like the second QOTSA album - 70-odd minutes - gets a bit stale after the first 40. Rock albums should never be longer than 50 minutes unless they're REALLY good :)