[Review] Dynaudio Contour 1.3 vs. s1.4

Mister R said:
Michael, does your DIY amp give a particular type of sound?
Well, it's very fast that's for sure and it has excellent bass control. It just sounds very good is all I can say :)

Worth giving your 1.3MkIIs a listen with something like a Belcanto Evo2i (or a Belcanto power amp). IMO Dyns and PWM amps are a great combo.

I've had my Dynaudio Contour 1.3mk2's driven by the following:

Harmon Kardon HK630 (not bad considering it's a old 2 x 30 watt integrated)
Tag Mclaren PA10 pre/Rotel RB991 power (loud but piercing treble and slow bass)
Arcam A85 (good detail, not bad sense of pace, not 'open' enough)
Unison Research Unico Hybrid (came to life/room-filling)

To my ears, the Dynaudio's sound amazing partnered with the Unico: good timing, deep bass, impressive mid-range which is lucid and warm, wide and deep soundstage. It partnered pretty well with the Arcam amp, but the speakers really came to life with the Unico. Really impressed. Listened to Led Zep's 'How The West Was Won' last night, loud: Really three-dimensional - with the drums (and keyboards) at the back, vocals centre/front, guitars left and right...

These speakers will still be with me through a few upgrades. Still a student, but when funds permit....

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