[Review] Marantz CD7

Dear Arlequen:

Sorry for not getting back to you before now, but I am rightfully excused since I just been seduced by the sound of my CD-7, but Yes I am sure the Holland Chips are better and some day I would like to hear them. But tell me Arlequen, do you have one or two of these S1 (Double Crowns) installed in your DAC 960??

Hope to hear from you soon.

Sincerely Stax.

Inspired by this discussion I took a short trip to the back panel of my CD7 only to discover serial number 001!

It won't change my attitude towards the player hovewer. It gave me already countless hours of ultimate pleasure for couple of years, so I could't respect this marvel of audio design more.



CD7, BAT preamp VK 5i, Electrocompaniet 250R, Hales Revelation 3, MIT balanced interconnects
S1 Single Crown but Holland Production HSH=Holland 88 year - 05° week - 2 day


S2 Double Crown but Twainese Production RSH=Twain 97 year - 13° week - 2 day


S1 Single Crown but Holland Production HSH 88 year - 05° week - 2 day

Ps: look the crown .. the Holland has large base

My TDA1541 S1 Double Crown Holland Production


I just took long hard look at your sample of S1 double crown, and as much as I'm trying not to be paranoic I can see that bottom crown has somewhat different shape than the upper one. Both should be exactly the same If marked on the production line I guess, as in your example of S2 DC.

The TDA1541 S1 double crown Holland has been the dream of all the Marantz C7 owners..
Just digit TDA1541 on google and you 'll read everything about it
It is a great step above your S2 Twain

The Dutch TDA1541 S1 one or double crowns are not better then the ones produced in Taiwan.
I have this 'stereosound - all about marantz' book, it says this:

In fact, previous "select" product levels were ealisy exceeded through improvements in the manufacturing process and manufacturing precision of the device.

Read more on my website:
http://www.dutchaudioclassics.nl/the_evolution_of_dac_the_digital_filter/ :)
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Inspired by this discussion I took a short trip to the back panel of my CD7 only to discover serial number 001!

It won't change my attitude towards the player hovewer. It gave me already countless hours of ultimate pleasure for couple of years, so I could't respect this marvel of audio design more.



CD7, BAT preamp VK 5i, Electrocompaniet 250R, Hales Revelation 3, MIT balanced interconnects

Hi, If you would ever decide to sell this player, please contact me, I would be very interested! And of course I would give you a very good price for it!

I have a CD7 too. Before that i had a CD15. I traded the CD15 for a CD12.
When i first heard the CD15, i was suprised by it sound. It sounded lively, musical and entertaining. Then i got the CD7. It was a dreamplayer for me, i read many good things about it so this had to be a play with a beautiful sound. But i was disapointed when i first heard it. It did not suprise me like the CD15 did. But i thought it needed time, i thought i had to discover the sound of the CD7.
Then i could get my hands on the CD12 LE. Again, i was suprised by the sound. Beautiful, very very musical, and above al entertaining. Like a childrens music box, it has a beautiful sound.
With that player i know the sound of the CD7 was not my sound. to me the CD7 sounds to 2D, to upfront and to analytical. It doenst have that rich edge like the CD15 or CD12 has.
For now i am going to enjoy the CD12 for a while, then i will connect the CD7 and will try to hear what the CD7 does to me.
But that CD12 LE, what a special and wonderful player it is!! :)
cdm-1 mech

Hi all,

I have a Philips LHH-1000, the identical North American version of the European CD-12LE CD/DAC.

Does anyone know of any CDM-1 drive mechanisms available anywhere in the world? Mine is shot.

DAC blew up 6 months ago too, the DACs need replacing. TDA1541S1s are impossible to find, likely I'm getting S2 replacements which seem to still be around.

Any help is appreciated.

Sorry to hear about the problems with your classic player. There is a Philips CDM1 mechanism currently listed on ebay Germany and Taiwanese S2 DAC chips are available from a seller in Australia also through ebay.