hiya Dean.
Its a fairly basic setup, but reveals things well.
I have a nad533, which is about to be changed, it has a fully modded origin live arm, most suspeded decks are too much hassle for me, and I like an easy life, I tried a michell gyro, but it just sounded robotic and mechanical, perhaps a longer listen would've revealed strenghts, but I pick up on tonality quickly, and reject anything I dislike.
Cartridge is a ortofon mc15II, a very very neutral fast performer indeed. I have an atoc-9 arriving shortly picked up new from the US for a superb price.
I haven't actually adjusted loading, I am running the dynavector with its phonoenhancer setting.
The Sudgen has arrived, this thing is a disappoinment, not much more to be said, it is way inferior to the dynavector, so its going back asap, I am not even bothering to play, its very laid back, a great way I heard the sound described is as though its the band had taken a dose of valium before playing, perfectly. Its very gentle, laid back, not as clear. I heard the masterclass cd, too and that was a bit similar in respect that they seem to suit classical music well, but are variable on other more rocky things.
So the official verdict imho is sudgen is largely suited if you are a classical lover.
I am running 3 tracks that I like thro them, stings we work the black seam, russians, and bourbon street, all incredibly atmospheric.
I have decided to sell on the dynavector so its in the classifieds.
The slee has arrived and its my personal preference, its only mm, the dv has both, and I prefer the voicing slightly, its more mid forward, whereas the dv is very much rhythm and prat, and serious slam, but I just like what the slee does slightly better.
On a rating tho I would give them both equal. And tha't some complement for the slee, as the dv is superb.
mind you, I am using the slee with a £1500 ortofon t3000 silver transformer, so that may have somehting to do with it.
only the mf to go, but not in the same league I don't think.
sorry, amp and speakers.
I have fallen out a bit with valve amps, but am using:
dynavox el34 ultralinear push pull, pretty good for the cash.
speakers are either proac tablette 50 sigs or ipl transmission lines.
I will sum them all up for clarity after the mf arrives.I have the mf kw phonostage on my wants list one day, but that will have to wait a fair while yet.