[Review] The Berning ZH270 and How I Found It.

Oh, relax FFS. Mike's just enthusiastic about his hifi. I'm not even sure Berning makes these amps any more, which makes accusations of marketing a bit moot, to say the least.

-- Ian
Thanks guys. I tried to give a little background for people - make something more rewarding to read than the usual "sounds great" post that means nothing out of context. Posted it on the two forums I visit. I really don't think I'll bother next time.

You dont like your own medicine, tastes sour... :green:
Sorry to disappoint Antonio - I don't think said poster was calling me an ignoramus - quite the contrary it appears. That's what I frequently have to point out that you are. Very different medicine.
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Sorry to disappoint Antonio - I don't think said poster was calling me an ignoramus - quite the contrary it appears. That's what I frequently have to point out that you are. Very different medicine.

Says the self appointed genius, where is my old signature...
One question is why do you need a preamp? I haven't found a pre that unquestionably betters the direct input - although they can tailor the system.

Seems logical. I did try running the Berning directly. I noticed ( I think) some difference from using the Audiolab but not enough to put my finger on it. And not enough to make me very bothered one way or 'tother.

I read somewhere that The ZH-270 was voiced to partner the Berning pre's and as I was curious what a better pre might offer it seemed it might be worth a punt. It's reputedly a very transparent design and has a decent phono stage and plenty of inputs so should do a useful job.

The TF-12 arrives tomorrow and so 'll find out soon enough. :)
I'll be interested to hear what you think. I really don't think the ZH270 is voiced in all honesty- everything I try seems to flavour it a little. Funnily enough I found the best sound I got was to feed the TEAD Vibe Pulse then from it's tape outs into the Accuphase, then into the Berning. I think the TEAD DACT attenuator leaves something to be desired. I only use a preamp because I run more than one Berning - otherwise I think I would be more than happy with just the ZH270, and spend the money saved elsewhere.
I need two I'm afraid - I run my speakers active. I am getting another next week ( a Siegfried) but I may then strap the ZH270's and turn them into 140wpc monoblocks. I've always fancied that.
very interesting write up mike - almost makes me want to start obsessing about hi-fi again - i really am going to have to invite myself round for a listen sometime soon i think the only component you have remaining from the last time i heard your kit is the marantz but i'm not sure you even still have that.
Julian, I keep trying to get the king of the towpath warriors to venture down for a ride on a Saturday but to no avail. Maybe we should hook up for some chilterns fun followed by some very loud psychodelic trance?

I still have the Marantz, and of course the JBL's.

You are always welcome. Just pop over one evening and we'll grab a pint. These mutants are to my ears a big step from the JBL's you heard with Titian but I'm after independent opinions as it's hard to be objective. Just make sure you bring plenty of Blue Note.
my weekends are pretty full at the moment - so many raves,so little time - i may have a free weekend in a few weeks time i'll speak to chris and see what he's up to on that weekend - think it's the 22/23 sept... we'll hammer the chilterns - well i'll wheeze up them not been on the bike for a week or two now. unfortunately all my cd's are in storage at present along with my server so i'll see what i can do in the way of thumping electronica but i'm sure you can supply some of that. just not too much noodly jazz please....
Speaking of Berning - as I will have 114db speakers as of Feb 2008, I'm wondering if any of you Berning fans tried or heard of someone using microZOTL with high eff speakers and what are the results especially compared to the more pricey stuff from DB. Thanks
Speaking of Berning - as I will have 114db speakers as of Feb 2008, I'm wondering if any of you Berning fans tried or heard of someone using microZOTL with high eff speakers and what are the results especially compared to the more pricey stuff from DB. Thanks

And what could those 114db/w/m speakers tell about Berning. Only time will show.

Very late arrival, but very much appreciate the write up Mike and I'd second Julian's comments regards it piquing a passion in HiFi again.
Hi Greg,

nice to hear from you. You should try to get to hear one - Robbo's does a fabulous job with the little Proacs. I'm thinking of being greedy and monoblocking mine at the moment.
Hi Greg,

nice to hear from you. You should try to get to hear one - Robbo's does a fabulous job with the little Proacs. I'm thinking of being greedy and monoblocking mine at the moment.


Berning now has a south of England UK Distributor/Dealership.

An announcement is due soon and I know that my "friend" is very excited about the arrival of some Berning $30K mono blocs but hopefully he will be bringing in some more real world priced Berning products also.

Interesting Steve.

I know when I last spoke with Berning they didn't really envisage paying out for CE approval so I'm surprised they are shelling out the money for that. Sadly they now only make the $30K monos, with the $14K 70/70 to follow at some point.

I hear they are fabulous - but I loved the affordability of the older amps - not the milled alumin(i)um of the new units.

I do hope they use the monos at a show in the UK though - I suspect people might be surprised. Indeed I had given thought to using Berning in a NFS room at a UK show at some point - just for the entertainment factor.