
If SACD is as you say 'a dodo' - then it joins the illustrious ranks of Sonys propietry technologies such as.... minidisc.....atrac compression.........SACD......................blu ray????

(there probably some more in there as well)

They are not the power house they used to be! - not like the old walkman days anyway.

They even missed the boat on HDD mp3 players (by a country mile as well).
Looking at the RIAA figures it would appear the future is DVD video.

By the way, who own the DVD format copyright?
lAmBoY said:
If SACD is as you say 'a dodo' - then it joins the illustrious ranks of Sonys propietry technologies such as.... minidisc.....atrac compression.........SACD......................blu ray????
lAmBoY - you missed the daddy of them all: Betamax :)

They must have made a bit of money out of minidisk, a complete flop as a medium for prerecorded music, but quite successful otherwise I'd have thought.

-- Ian
i personally don't care about market penetration.

as long as there ar enough SACD players with high quality and reasonable price and enough software that i like - i just don't care what my neighbours think about it.
I think high quality recording studio SACD products are so better than redbook CDs.
for bad recorded music DVD-A or SACD or CD are equal and in good recording you waill see difference if you be audiophile.
well any new medium coming to the market now has to bring a very good advantage over the existing ones in order to have any chance of succeeding. Look what happened with cds. They were digital, they had no hiss whatsoever, the sound was clear and they were much easier to carry/smaller. This opened the car and portable market up as well (and yes I still prefer vinyl but good audiophile records are not the mainstream and the pop vinyl bog standard quality was not great).

Same goes to DVD conquering the VHS tape. The quality is very significant step forward and people had a real incentive in changing their film collection (and in many cases start it up) using dvd instead. Like with redbook cds, both formats started to bring re-recordable alternatives that will put the last nail on the coffin of tapes and vhs tapes.

Now everybody has a vast collection of cds and a growing set of dvds at home. I believe it will take a very considerable jump forward in quality, ease of use and accessible price to make this market budge. SACD is not it, imho.

My 2p,

PS: Betamax, IIRC was the better format, it just had no traction commercially. Look at DAT... failed because record companies panicked of it being so good... and yet, they still use it in recording studios... ;)
michaelab said:
Betamax was the better format.
Still is, that's why TV programs are shot and edited on an improved version "Betacam" - and Sony has made a HUGE amount of money from Betacam over the years.
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If SACD dies, and my player dies too, I will have to make do with the CD layer

Well said!
That for me sums up the risk. More and more discs coming, all hybrid, played on the Philips 963 SACD / DVD player.
If SACD dies, I'll enjoy the ones I've got. If my player dies and can't be replaced, I'll enjoy the CD layer.
If I end up not being able to purchase many SACDs because they kill off production (unlikely in the short-term in view of current activity), then I've still got an excellent DVD and CD player.
Not a huge risk, then.

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