This is very sad indeed.
I understand Castle made cabinets for other people, but don't know who. Strange that if they were doing so much work for others, they have become penniless?
Administration, as I understand it means, that it has gone broke, not yet bankrupt.
Its an intermediary term meaning they are no longer in business, but not yet bankrupt, what happens normally is that a group of people, accountants, lawyers, etc., have been called in, as there is no cash, to pay off people, like suppliers, and consumers, obviously in order of priority, to try to get the best deal for as many people as possible, banks too at the top of the list, no doubt.
Obviously, it can happen to just about any company, and if it happens whilst you have placed your order, you could well end up losing your money, as its reallocated to pay off other debts.
Ditto with suppliers, they could have ordered millions worth in parts, all of which gets swallowed up. Its a business risk.
I could be wrong, but that's about the way it works.
Bankruptcy is an official term that comes later, if they can't get things sorted out.
Debts get written off. It I believe has to happen in a court of law, when everything is presented.
I had a pair of Avon's truly superb cabinet work, best I have ever seen, its a shame about this.
Let's hope they manage to get going again, a great and unique British company.
Its certainly going to cause the other companies problems in finding another cabinet maker, and to the quality and standard castle did.
The problem also with small companies, is that they sometimes run by people with little marketing knowledge, who don't bother or don't want to know about modern business methods, and just make a superb product, sadly, that isn't enough now adays, they need excellent business practise, too.
Anyone fancy buying them up?