Well, that would appear to be the attitude taken by many outfits. I am currently owed a total of around £630. £130 of council tax, which was paid up in full before the beginning of february. I then moved out of the borough and informed the council immediately. That was 5 weeks ago, and they're telling me that there's a 7 week backlog. Given the penalties that I or anyone else would be subject to if 7 weeks behind on paying council tax to them, why shouldn't the council be subject to similar penalties for not returning my money? Furthermore, they weren't forthcoming on answering the question as to what I am supposed to use to pay the new council with if they're hanging onto my money... The other £500 is the deposit on the flat I moved out of. The letting agents have written to me twice to remind me that they still have this money, a fact of which I am painfully aware. Unfortunately, they can't release it until I can prove that all the bills on the flat are paid (which they were in mid february), for which I need a letter to that effect from Powergen. Are powergen forthcoming with this? Are they b*ll*cks. They've been asked for it three times, and now claim that it has been sent. Second class. :rolleyes: :mad: Is everyone this useless?