Screwed, twice! not in the nice way :(

Nah just shove somemhill climb slicks on, your'll get the fastest lap round the high street circuit and hack off the max power muppets at the same time, though the may not last that long :D
analoguekid said:
Is your performance course on a race track type surface
No, public roads :eek: and very good it was too, what an eye opener! I am part way through a RoSPA advanced course which helped a lot as the driving system is the same, but the positioning and looking is something else!

Back to the tyres though, Kwikfit (I know, lesson learned) put an apprentice on my car who didn't own up to damaging one of my mint rims (wanxer) I had to point it out, I'm now arguing as to who will fix it they want to use their guy I insist on a Porsche approved repairer (warranty reasons) oh yeh, the pillock didn't even ballance them right, I took it back for re-ballancing, still wrong! Had it done somewhere else bill waiting to be passed to them. I have the area manager coming out tomorrow.

Well p1ssed off :(
sane4sure said:
You expect to pay the cheapest for your tyres and then get suprised when a monkey fits them
How difficult can it be to change a set of tyres and ballance them? I'm pretty confident shown a couple of times I could do it without issue.

Things should be right regardless of price, I don't expect special treatment for my car I expect a good job on everyones car and have told them as much.

I didn't go for the cheapest I went for the nearest, as driving any distance on the space saver was a chore. Lesson learned I will use my usual place in future who were the same ££'s (Gordons - Wakefield).
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As you say, it shouldn't be too difficult to do the job properly. However, I may just be cynical, but all too often these days Customer Service and Good Quality are terms that a lot of companies are losing sight of the meaning of. I am getting tired (no pun intended) of hearing 'well sir, cutbacks mean we have less time, lack of manpower etc'.
rsand said:
I am part way through a RoSPA advanced course which helped a lot as the driving system is the same, but the positioning and looking is something else!

How is that? I was thinking of going for either that or IAM observer training (where I'd probably be less than half the average observer age :o ).

I've also been told about a course at millbrook with John Lyons that is supposed to be fantastic, but at about £500 for the day, it's not exactly cheap...
Forget IAM too easy, they have dropped their standards over the years most drivers would pass without any training. The most respected (and highest civilian qualification) is the RoSPPA, you are re tested every 3 years and are graded bronze, silver and gold. Have you already got an advanced qualification?

The problem with track courses is they dont help on the road. The one I did is with John Cave (big John, only just fit in my car) which I can reccomend. The positioning and looking are a level up from 'roadcraft' book, apparently they aren't in because the public have access to it and without supervised backup could be v dangerous. The course (in your own car) being on roads helps deal with maximising safe overtake possibilities and making sure you are seen.
Lt Cdr Data said:
he he, I am quite happy with my brava, and paying about 30 squid a tyre. I feel no need to get anything more pricey.
I really wish I wasn't into fast cars, the money you loses on cars, I would have a much better house etc. I think the same about music/hi-fi if only the little technics in the kitchen sounded the same to me as the quad setup :(
Yes, I've done the IAM course/test... That's why I was looking for the next stage, either observer training or RoSPA.
You are pretty close to the Manchester RoSPA where I go, although as you can imagine its a bit of a treck for me