well I sold something on ebay fairly lately, and I thoguth I was safe, the guy mailed to say he had stopped the chq as he'd had some problems

, but this was about 5 days after the cheque was paid in.
the cheque showed clear funds in my account 1-2 days after it was paid in.
here is the lowdown as I understand it so far, after a bit of prying.
halifax said funds usually appear fairly quick, 3 or so days after paying in...this shows they have the funds in the account.
someone said about 5 days to clear, someone else said its not fully cleared until around 10 days!!

so you could do your usual 3-5 days to clear and get shafted.
this chq showed until about 7 days, upon which the funds went back out of my account.
I was mighty miffed, at least he told me of his intentions, but I posted a chq to someone else and was told after he presented it, there was no way of stopping it, it was not guaranteed.
so there is lots of confusion, and no-one wants you to really know the truth, surprise!!!
I now have no idea about how long to leave it until a cheq is safe.
that together with an ebay sale, where I said 3-5 days after funds received to someone, and he mailed 2x to say he was getting really irratated ONLY 2 days after I'd got the cheque. totally utterly unreasonable in the extreme
wankers galore, beware.
by and large I have found most people selling on hifi and nice decent types, but that doens't make it immune from dicks. I think clarification and DEFINITIVE info. is required on when a cheque is safe, and if a bank is not forthcoming, what are they hiding? if you are sure a cheque is safe based upon what they say and its not, that leaves them being complicit if not liable.
time for the truth imo.