Sensible integrated's

the only Plinius i've heard is my own. Hard to describe how it sounds, which is a good thing, I guess... pretty uncoloured, enough power for anything (100W/8ohms), nice remote control, pre-outs, record selector. Good amp. £1500 ukp. Its the entry class AB Plinius
you aren't on commission are you bottle? ;) fyi, the wad 300b pse which uses the same circuit, is the best amp. I have yet heard.
300b's are notoriously sensitive to what is driving them, and it doens't get much better than a pentode.(lots of volts and cathode follower(lots of current) as in this amp here.none of your audionote little 6sn7's.
Very nice indeed, very tempted.
nope, not on commision data!

are you sure its the same?

I would expect similarities, as they were both designed by Andy Grove.

Reason I push this one over the WAD - is that the kit is nearly 400 quid cheaper!!!
(and it looks cool with the copper cover)

Id buy one if I was starting over (probably)

very nearly, its actually a better spec. like for like, but the wad has 2 valves in the output.

AS I think you know, Andy Grove is(was?) wads designer, quads, a lot of audionotes, and of course the hifi collective.

wads has 6au6 (ef94)input, ecc82 as a kathode follower.
hific has ef86, 5687 k. follower, and single 300b, the hifi c has dc for every valve, and slightly higher voltages for the output. Whether this makes a difference, who can say.

For all intents they are identical in basic topology. I wish the hific was in monobloc and also pse form, maybe have to wait.

I wonder if Andy Grove will still do wad, or if Noel Keywood will take over for designs, AG apparently is a transformer expert, NK is not. Interesting to see the future.
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GundamSD said:
I see that you're after a £1K amp that is slightly different from the norm.

A very well received amp is the Unison Research Unico valve hybrid... it's a bargain at £900!

Check out the reviews at: (the HiFi News review is the one worth checking)

Then give it an audition!

Happy listening!


Funny that there are quite a few people over at HFC also using Unico and Dynaudio together. They seem like natural partner.
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jesse said:

Funny that there are quite a few people over at HFC also using Unico and Dynaudio together. They seem like natural partner.

Funny that....

Seems like a popular combination.

Must be some serious synergy going on there. :D

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