So...the decision's been made


Congratulations on your purchase. I hope it provides you with many years of enjoyment and satisfaction. Keep us updated on your arm and cart choices, please!!


JonR :)
Dexter said:
Now, tell me something about that DL103...
Oh, OK, if you insist. I have a couple though: a 103R and a 103PRO. Which one do you want to hear about ;)
penance said:
Im also interested in the 103, but is it true they can sound shut in sometimes?

Hmmm.... difficult one this. When one first hears a 103, it can sound a little bit 'dull'. However, I've found that after a while it sounds 'real' ie it doesn't have an over-emphasised top end - it's also one of the least 'hi-fi' sounding cartridges I've ever owned. On vocals it is particularly good - loads of body and great rendition of vowel sounds. You get a lot more of the fundamental of a note, rather than the artificial brightness some cartridges present the listener which makes them 'sparkle'. The 103 only seems to be bright when the instrument it's playing actually is a bright instrument.

One thing I have found, which makes the Denon zing a bit more is to up the loading to 1k Ohms from the recommended 100. It just gives a touch more snap. Admittedly my system's quite bright and fast, so maybe my 103's reigning it back to neutral - in some systems it may be a little too full.

I love it - and at around 100 quid it's a friggin' bargain. :)
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Why I Refuse To Be Too Jealous, Gromit...

Just got my first glimpse of the Roksan Xerxes 20, unveiled last week at CES 2005:


This successor to the Xerxes 10 features the new TMS1 upgrade plinth (the greyish protrusions at the front of its base) and R-mat 5 platter mat.

I'm so glad Roksan have distribution here in Belgium (whereas Notts does not!) :)

Cheers, Dex
Dexter said:
Just got my first glimpse of the Roksan Xerxes 20, unveiled last week at CES 2005:


This successor to the Xerxes 10 features the new TMS1 upgrade plinth (the greyish protrusions at the front of its base) and R-mat 5 platter mat.

I'm so glad Roksan have distribution here in Belgium (whereas Notts does not!) :)

Cheers, Dex

That looks very sweet to me - especially the maple finish. :)
Gromit said:
That looks very sweet to me - especially the maple finish. :)

Indeed, my equipment racks and side tables are all maple, so this will be a dream come true! I could never understand the tendancy for manufacturers to only offer darker woods like some stuffy old men's club :SLEEP:; I'll take the clean Scandinavian ski-lodge look anyday! :p

Still about a month or so away, I'm told.

Plus, I finally have my new avatar (you really need to lose that Gyro now, Gmt), replacing my stale Michaelab/NOS DAC riff! :D

Best, Dex

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