For anyone that was wondering, this is an answer I received from Ceramix about the application of their Spike-Spotters.
Hi Steve,
Sorry it's taken this long to get back to you. It's a little crazy over
here at the moment.
Beautiful system. Looks like you've been very careful about the setup.
Spike Spotters work exceptionally well on hardwood, tile and even
concrete, but our Acousdecouple material doesn't interface well with
carpet. We have had some customers tell us they've successfully used
Spike Spotters with thin (almost like commercial grade) carpet, but we
don't recommend it. We've also run tests here where we've used Spike
Spotters on carpet without the Acousdecouple material. In every example
we've seen, spikes contacting the sub-floor through the carpet have
outperformed Spike Spotters on carpet.
If you do want to try them, we'll give you a full refund if the Spike
Spotters don't work out. But I'd probably have to say your system is
better off without them.