speakers that make music fun+slamm

Lt Cdr Data said:
its pretty good, Isaac, not sure about the bass...its all there but a bit soft, which is not what you'd expect, perhaps it needs a recap, or just in the design which I can do zip about.
Sounds like some mains treatment might be in order there then.
And some carbon fibre in your speakers ;)
I've yet to hear a speaker that didn't make music fun. But then, I do tend to listen to the music rather than the speaker.
tones said:
I've yet to hear a speaker that didn't make music fun. But then, I do tend to listen to the music rather than the speaker.

Hearing some reggae that caused a bass unit to blow on my Goodmans RB35 speakers wasn't much fun.
rsand said:
It was a tongue in cheek comment ;)

hehe sorry I am not very good at detecting jokes. I have a huge regrett in fitting Kenwood car audio speakers to my mates car, I have a horrible feeling that cheaper Audax drive units would have sounded better.
since people are talking about art speakers an saying there from troon, scoltand i just remembered i live in troon an actually know the son of someone who is part of teh company
I've been curious about ART speakers but its a small company and I wonder about value. I considered the little Skibo when at one time almost buying the Sugden A21. I believe Sugden recently demo'd their amps using ART speakers at shows. But what a price. I looked at the Skibo's and thought, ok not too bad and being the entry level model you would kind of expect that, but then you look at the wooden stand/bass booster thingy and wonder how the extra £800 is supposed to be justified. But you say its got serious fun factor and hifi characteristics. Now, are you referring to the bass moduled Skibo or little Skibbo? Is it worth the money? Do you think an Exposure pre/power would be a good bet for the ART? Finally, analoguekid especially here: are those ( lovely) Expressions really worth the three and a half grand and would they be nice with Exposures ?
Cloth ears, only your ears can tell, BTW the bass modules are not just addons, they change the speaker from a two way to a full 3 way, The bass units should be wired singly from the amp, the bass units also contain crossovers that roll the (now) mid driver earlier, so it works less, the skibo may also IIRC have he otption of seperately wiring the tweeter, but I'm sure thats more a "market thing", they are a lot more solid than they look in the pictures, the stilleto is tiny less than a cd box across, there is a new stilletto 6 at around £2k next is the expression V6 at around £3.5K I haven't yet heard this model, but I'm ensured it's very good, the best thing to do would be to contact art and ask them to suggest a dealer near you who will allow a home dem, you may not like them, I'm not particularly up on exposure, describe what you're looking for that you ain't gettin just now and I'll help better, they have a family sound, so generalisations are being made about all models, I have the expression 3 ways, and I listen in nearfield, and I haven't heard anything like it!!
Ah well me too, nearfield, I mean 8 feet driver to cloth-ears, but I do have good distance behind and to side of speakers for clean sound. So they are great in near field -- can you expand upon this ? Also I may actually bi-amp, using two of the "dual-mono" stereo power amps, i.e one to bass units, one to mid/trebble units. So far I've got an open mind as to how far I go with speakers, starting at something like the top Epos at a grand ( largely made in China so read £1500 ) through something like Proac D15 at £1800, to stuff like yours, preferably second hand ! B.t.w. your system gives me the horn.
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Had my new setup a week now and can thoroughly reccommend it for huge fun and impact. It sounds like a full scale live band in my lounge. I'm running some 7BSST pro monoblocks into some PMC IB2. :D
pauldixonuk said:
Had my new setup a week now and can thoroughly reccommend it for huge fun and impact. It sounds like a full scale live band in my lounge. I'm running some 7BSST pro monoblocks into some PMC IB2. :D


What pre amp are you using now?

Front end is TeacVRDS25 tranny on Townshend sink, through stereovox digital coaxial into, Benchmark DAC1...

I am using it as dac and pre for now. I will be having home demo's of various pre's soon: BAT 3ivk level etc. However, the Benchmark is very good considering the micro size and price. I mainly need a pre to avoid cable swapping and to have remote.

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