Watched the strangest bit of telly last night. This prog on BBC2 was about teenagers given up sex for a certain period of time. At the end they had a 'graduation' ceremony in which they got up on stage, got a certificate and gave a speech. To add to the strangeness of it all, their families came along, they were even in tears at the success of their little darlings givin up sex for a few months! I got the feeling there was christian organisation behind this but they didnt point this out.
I found the whole thing very worrying really in that this is what a part of society has been reduced too. Needless to say alot of the girls seemed uncannily like Vicky Pollard. Saying that the female group leader was very tasty I must certainly, er, not quite the point
Very odd.
I found the whole thing very worrying really in that this is what a part of society has been reduced too. Needless to say alot of the girls seemed uncannily like Vicky Pollard. Saying that the female group leader was very tasty I must certainly, er, not quite the point

Very odd.