Strange prog last night

Feb 17, 2005
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In paradise
Watched the strangest bit of telly last night. This prog on BBC2 was about teenagers given up sex for a certain period of time. At the end they had a 'graduation' ceremony in which they got up on stage, got a certificate and gave a speech. To add to the strangeness of it all, their families came along, they were even in tears at the success of their little darlings givin up sex for a few months! I got the feeling there was christian organisation behind this but they didnt point this out.

I found the whole thing very worrying really in that this is what a part of society has been reduced too. Needless to say alot of the girls seemed uncannily like Vicky Pollard. Saying that the female group leader was very tasty I must certainly, er, not quite the point :D

Very odd.
Yeah I've watched bits of a few of those episodes. It was a Christian thing you're right and yes it was strange that they were celebrating giving up sex at their age. I did find the whole thing quite interesting though, the fact that many of them had a much better view on life due to a bit of inspiration and a good project. Just shows you what is possible. Even Vicky Pollards can be converted.
Although having worked with kids myself I know projects like that aren't always great sucesses.
i abstained from sex for 15 years,did i get an award? NO just some very stiff beding from the age of 12-15
Research in the US suggests that they do not in fact give up sex. They have the highest participation rates for oral sex.
Its the Clinton philosophy.

In my experience (well not mine directly) christian teenagers trying not to have sex just get so horny they end up doing something stupid in the end!

Also because they don't get it out of their system, they go around acting more eager most of the time! It makes a big world of prick teases!

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