I don't know whats in at the moment? They are unbranded although taking into account the kt88's are top svetlanas I can't imagine the 5U4G rectifier is of poor quality. The input valves are RCA 6SH7 which I haven't seen any other brand of.
Anex said:Svets are nice kt's, I'd keep them till they die. QUOTE]
When one of my Svetlana KT88'd died and I replaced them all with a quad of EH KT88's I was surprised that the E(lectro) H(armonix)'s sounded soooooooo much much sweeter than the svet's. Perhaps my svets were already losing a bit to age, after all one did die, but the EH's were loads better with my setup, and they only cost me £45 for a platinum matched quad from the states....
Just thought I'd mention it.......