T-bone heads south

The Natural History Museum is a must IMO! http://www.nhm.ac.uk

I think the exhibition Sir Galahad mentioned is the same one which was showig outside when I went there.

The Wildlife Photographer of the year winners appear to have been announced today. Some amazing pictures!

What kind of thing are you looking for?
penance said:
Do you mean the glass hot house?

No there is/was an install all round the gardens by a glass sculptor, some were really subtle things that looked like plants, some were enourmous things made of wobbly glass that looked like sea anenome or something, very cool
Heavymental said:
Worth going to tate modern and wandering around to look at parliament and the eye. That area is worth looking at.


I like spending time in the science museum and natural history museum too. They are right next door to each other.

If you havent seen either, you dont know what you've missed. The science museum is less talked about, but even more fantastic than the natural history in many ways... see a real spitfire close up, spaceships, real working steam engines etc.

You can even have a little chortle at the exhibition in the science museum about the history of recorded sound... its funny to me anyway to think of an SME arm for example as a museum piece..!

I take my 6 year old to them, but I get as much out of it as he does..
I can see that a holiday is going to be in order to have a good look round, I forget just what there is to see. She's got a job at Canary Wharf and I think she's going to be using that water taxi, how exciting, its been many years since I last used public transport.
Having just visited the Capital I'll have to add Apsley House or No 1 London. Duke of Wellington's residence. Beautifully restored and full of great art. A little known gen stuck on a roundabout by Hyde Park.

It's been three years since I last visited London. The traffic is less due to the congestion charges but I'd forgotton how noisy, busy, crowwded, smelly and generally unpleasant the place was, nor how rude people are. I'm not in a hurry to go back.
Didn't know you could visit No 1 London. Apparently that is the place where distances to London (eg as shown on road signs) are measured from.
