Tannoy Kingdom 12

Timpy's rates these babies, I've never heard them.
Had the Dimension 12's on trial, pretty neutral ,sort of polished atc presenation, but with slightly more bass ;) Big sound too.
Lovely Dev, lovely

It should be noted however that they are somewhat coloured in the midrange (that's putting it mildly) and therefore according to research are unlikely to satisfy for long( sorry couldn't resist- shut it Merlin)
All this talk of big speakers has got me thinking about a pair of speakers I saw and heard whilst buying a guy's LP12 from him a while ago, and I wonder if anyone else knows more about them - they were a pair of big (well over a metre tall and about 50cm wide), omnidirectional speakers made by Radford(of valve amp fame).

The guy originally had four of these beasties, giving two to his son when he moved into a small bungalow, and he was using an APT (US?) preamp feeding a custom built Radford power amp, built for him, apparently, as a personal favour from John Radford as he was a friend from years back. Does anyone have any idea what type of Radford speaker these were?

They definately weren't as lovely looking (sorry Michael) as those Westminsters, though.

(Edited to add that I may have Mr Radford's name incorrect, as Google indicates it is Arthur, not John)
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Originally posted by merlin
Lovely Dev, lovely

It should be noted however that they are somewhat coloured in the midrange (that's putting it mildly) and therefore according to research are unlikely to satisfy for long( sorry couldn't resist- shut it Merlin)
I was asking for it really. Still, I'm glad you understand that a few idle moments listening to these things counts as research. It's certainly a more scientific appr - no, stop it Joel.
I've just discovered that King Records record mastering studios use Westminster Royals. This leads me to suspect that carefully setup these are as probably as good as their many fans claim them to be.
As you guys have guessed, I'm a little bit biased, BUT, there must be a good reason why in their time Tannoy's were used in over 70% of the recording studios, while JBL ruled the outdoor market. As others have said I don't think the speaker technology has advanced all that much. The old Tannoys and JBL sound just as good as their modern rivals. Looks are a different matter. Michael just needs a bit more familiarity with these classics.:D
Actually I like their look with the griles on, in a traditional decor, they are 90 db efficient, not that much, I am sure they will soak the Bryston's 250 watts easy in a big room...
Originally posted by lowrider
Actually I like their look with the griles on, in a traditional decor, they are 90 db efficient, not that much, I am sure they will soak the Bryston's 250 watts easy in a big room...
Better hang on to the sofa :eek:

Given what my 90 dB Castles do with 150 Watts, the Tannoys with 250 Watts would, I suspect, be truly pant-wetting :D
Originally posted by Dev
Looks are a different matter. Michael just needs a bit more familiarity with these classics.:D
They need a little door in them to make them into a 1950s drinks cabinet...coz that's what they look like :D

Originally posted by michaelab
They need a little door in them to make them into a 1950s drinks cabinet...coz that's what they look like :D


That's it, go on, hit a man while he's still recovering from the first insult:D .

Seriously though, in the right environment such as a large (ok very large!) room say in a mansion heavily decorated in the traditional style with lots of walnut, they'll look great. I can't remember where I saw them (BBC?), it was so long ago, but they seemed to "belong" to the room, with the grills on. And yes they do look like cabinets, but beautifully crafted ones.

BTW, the grills are like a door, they have a key at the bottom, I think.

In any case, you'll forget the looks when hit by 99db efficiency and that bass!
Just testing my last CDP, SONY XA2 ES, never heard it in my new system before, I am impressed, very clear sound, maybe less highs extension than the FMJ, but so clean and detailed...

It has remote with volume control, so it will be the perfect complement for the Bryston 4B ST and the Tannoy Kingdom, I look forward to listen to this setup in a large room at the farm...

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