All this talk of big speakers has got me thinking about a pair of speakers I saw and heard whilst buying a guy's LP12 from him a while ago, and I wonder if anyone else knows more about them - they were a pair of big (well over a metre tall and about 50cm wide), omnidirectional speakers made by Radford(of valve amp fame).
The guy originally had four of these beasties, giving two to his son when he moved into a small bungalow, and he was using an APT (US?) preamp feeding a custom built Radford power amp, built for him, apparently, as a personal favour from John Radford as he was a friend from years back. Does anyone have any idea what type of Radford speaker these were?
They definately weren't as lovely looking (sorry Michael) as those Westminsters, though.
(Edited to add that I may have Mr Radford's name incorrect, as Google indicates it is Arthur, not John)