perhaps they have had a lobotomy which causes them to beleive the crazy hyped bullshit claims and actually like aural stupor.
There is nothing inherently wrong, its pleasant enuff, just in comparison its dull.
Its not harsh, the amp was an a1001, I had massive expectations, monster bass, clarity in spades, I forked out a fortune, aided and abetted by hifi mags saying it was gods gift for nasty speakers, only to find a simple japanese mass market amp made far more music than this anaesthetized lump. Its wastn' ABSOLUTE BAD, it was just RELATIVE poor. That's harsh, spending all that, and finding the truth that makers claims are bollux.
fortunately, nirvana is pending and the true path to enlightnement has been found.
MF need to realise that simply having a perfect pcb layout is not justification for saying this sounds the best EVER.
I have an amp that make 6% 2nd harmonic and 3% 3rd harmonic distortion, and uses 1930's technology, and it makes mf sound like computer sound.
Marketing is verging upon blantant lies, you are being lied to, hoodwinked, only told 1/2 truths, information is limited, claims without backup, proof, verification, this is the evil that is marketing.
Find out the truth for yourself, question all, if a claim is made, ask the basis for it...research, testing, figures? reports? believe nothing, question all.If they cannot or will not give a specific direct answer, flag the claims.
Fortunlately, most here are pretty wise.
Sadly, we are not taught this. In the history of philosophy, and our educational past, we were taught to engage in dialectic, the ways of truth and proof. This now has largely gone awol, and people do not have ways to filter and eliminate bull.
A spurious claim is meaningless unless backed up with cast iron proof, and if there is none, it shoudln't even be there.
Take away colouration from the world of hifi and you listen in black and white.