The Eupen effect...

Originally posted by wadia-miester

Merlin has turned his system into something pretty good now, and how?, by using all those power related items, the difference it gives is more than you can imagine. WM

Err excuse me old man:mad:

It was always bloody good, blew most visitors minds ( just not those of the odd persuasion;) )

To be fair, most of the differences you would hear now , would be the result of playing on the PC and making software changes. 'Tis also fair to say though, that real quality mains products (none of this DIY "ooh I think I might be able to hear a bit less hash") do enhance the system in ways that components alone simply fail to do.

But if a guy in the states has spent considerable time finding the right combination of plug, contact enhancer and solder, it seems a trifle foolish to reterminate for the UK without applying the same level of thought.

Now, can you get a 4KVA Trichord with US sockets by chance?
Originally posted by wadia-miester
you would need to use a 'Step down' transformer to achieve this voltage drop,

Ahh, so the Trichord doesn't do this then ?
Any recommendations ?
Merlin, I believe that Ben Duncan did a 5KV version, (having to have mine made, but it's not small, a short cupboard is required ), Steve you would have to ring Graham and ask him, else a trip throught the RS catalogue for a suitable jobbie I'm afraid.

Trichord on 44 01684 311600. WM
The system is PRaTing better than ever. I can confidently say that it has never sounded so good. Hopefully the rack and powerblock will reap further benefits. Then there is more work to be done on the cd player!
I've just sold my Russ Andrews Yello cables, as they really didnt do anything for me.

I doubted that the cable would have much effect on the transport, boy how wrong I was!!! Just for a laugh, I compared the effect of the remaining Eupen on the transport, on the DAC and on the headphone amplifier. One thing I was concerned about with my new cans was a slight lacking of bass. With the Eupen on the transport, you certainly couldnt say that now :eek: The bass comes thundering out now!! :D Putting it on the DAC seems to boost bass a little, but not quite as much, but the detail levels go up, and I have a 2m blackcurrent cable hopefully on its way to me soon. On the amp, again it reinforces the bass, but the effect is probably not as much as on the DAC and transport.

This is bad for my wallet, it means I will *have* to have decent power cables on all my components :mad: :D
Hehe, yeah, although I did have to chop the lead off the DAC :rolleyes:

Edited to ask: These powerblocks like the Trichord thingie seem to only have 2 sockets, can you put a 6 block on one of the sockets, or is that sorta thing not recommended?
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Well, Dino runs an 8-way Olsen off his Lynwood, but the lynwood is 1kVA. As long as you don't overload the transformer, there's no real issue with it, although you're advised to put big power amps on a separate one to sources (but big power amps would demand more than a 500VA anyway). With your system as it is at present, the whole lot would run happily off a powerblock 500.
Guy's I would recommend a seperate power block/lynwood etc, for your power amps, keep the soucre/pre's ( very little juice users) on a smaller one, Timpy's Densen killed the bass & Dynamics when we used the it on the same one, but put it on a seperate one and it sings, but you guys knew that anyway :) WM
I've swapped it now (but there are no technical issues doing it the other way Paul, as long as the tranny provides enough headroom for your boxes)- the Lynwood is running off the first socket of the Olsen. I have Dac/amp/transport fed from the 3 sockets of the tranny. The Lynwood i have is 3KW BTW:MILD: - more than ample for my needs. At some point i will get a seperate tranny for the sources and feed it from an adjacent socket on the Olsen - possibly a 1KW Lynwood or a 500VA Trichord. Then the existing Lynwood will be used to feed existing and future amplification. (The remaining 5 sockets on the Olsen i use for my bits of clutter (going soft as WM would say) - tape decks/tuners and any other future inmates.(Although i am now out of space on my racks:eek: ) (Not very interesting, but i realised the other day - i use a hell of a lot of sockets - i have a seperate strip too, direct from the wall, for aerial amplifiers, timers and stuff - nearly 15 plugs:eek: )
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