UK Wadia

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by merlin, Sep 27, 2003.

  1. merlin


    Jun 23, 2003
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    With the news that those purveyors of dynamic turntables Avid, are about to launch a CD player, it seems Wadia lovers might find a relatively sensibly priced UK alternative soon:)

    I understand they have reached agreement with Teac to work on the guts of the Esoteric range, which of course means VRDS 3.2:) Has anyone got an idea of likely pricing. I seriously hope it undercuts the rip off pricing of the big W here in the UK.

    Given the dynamic qualities of the turntables, and the Teac guts, these could be real showstoppers. I also gather they are going to be tweaking the DV50:) Interesting times.
    merlin, Sep 27, 2003
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