unipivot arms

thats true.

maybe I should change my tack and buy somebody elses old busted cartridge and get it re tipped!

do you think that old audiophile mantra ''thou shalt not retip, for thou shalst lose thy sound quality" is complete rubbish then?
Don't forget the 'Fluid' tonearm made by Transcriptors, which i always thought looked pretty neat. ( Michell may well have made a similar tonearm when they made their version of the Transcriptors Hydraulic Reference TT ).
Am I the only person ever that doesn't like unipivots? I've only heard a hadcock and the morch one but I found both of them un-enguaging and awful at top and bottom end so they just wouldn't rock. I miss my bass and treble. Besides I found the DP6 far more enguaging (and SME IV). The uni's made me think I didn't like certain records, then using the gimbles all the stuff I liked about them was back again.
I'd buy the morch as a second arm, it was cool to hear such perfect vocal imaging and be able to hear what guitar pick and strings people were using on acoustic stuff etc. but they both made me just want to listen to folk.
penance said:
What kind of price are Aro's?
Have you seen one used on a non-suspended deck?
I remember the man from Loricraft telling me that the Aro worked superbly with their Garrard 501. He said he was sorry that Julian V had never heard the Aro 'as it could sound'.
Im sure you're right (since you have one).

I was going by the pics I'd seen. It sure looks like one anyway!

are you saying the morch dp 6 is a uni pivot ?
cos' it ain't .....
it sounds better than the up 4 as well.
I certainly didnt say that darryl, dont know if anybody else did?

I remember someone (could well have been yourself) demo'ing 2 Morch arms one of which was a unipivot and one wasnt, and prefering the non unipivot and buying it.

Was that you out of curiosity?
Snoopdog said:
Thanks Penance!

I dribbled when I looked at the picture of the Phantom B-44 :cool:

I had a weird sensation when i saw the picture of the Phantom BB-4, a feeling of complete and utter envy washed over me. Just shows what a good photo can do , that machine just looks....dreamy

Edited to add:

Whilst i am convinced that the Naim ARO is indeed a fine performer and is probably up there in both sound quality and performance with the very best quality Tonearms in the world , am I alone in thinking that it kinda looks ungainly and ugly, the headshell looks horrible. Purely aesthetics I know but for this kind of money it should look nice too, (i presume any ARO owners will say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and once you own one you'll love it ).

I seem to recall that in one of his very funny public outbursts Muhammed Ali, whilst refering to his opponent said something like :
"Joe Frasier, He's just too ugly to be the world champion. The world boxing champion should be somebody pretty, somebody like me....."
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Lt Cdr Data said:
Muhammed Ali said some great things!! I have a video of the rumble and thriller, superb fights, he was funny and outrageous.

My favourite:-

"Hmmm, I'm so fast that when I turn off the bedroom light, I'm in bed asleep before the room gets dark." :D

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