Upgrade guide

amir said:
do you live in tehran?
do you know Mr.rahmani?


No, I live in London, but I have to go to Tehran occaisionally to see family. I don't know "Mr. Rahmani" either.

Given the massive power supply problems and huge fluctuation in mains electricity in Tehran, I'd be interested to know what filters you use?

Even equipment as well designed as Accuphase & Krell can't possibly deal such huge variation in supply. If you aren't using any, I'd definitely look at getting some (and I don't mean those useless "white box" transformers that Tehranis use for their fridges & tv's!!)

Secondly, do you use official cd's or copied cdr's? I found it almost impossible to find officially manufactured cd's in Tehran. Even the upmarket stores sell cd-r. This must have an impact on the end sound quality, as the cd's used are always of the lowest quality.

The pirate manufacturer is probably not interested in the quality of the transfer and his recording equipment is also probably cheap and nasty!!

Thirdly, I would imagine that recording studios in Tehran are pretty basic and archaic by western standards. I would imagine that music recorded locally using outdated/cheap equipment might end up sounding unnatural and bright perhaps? (I know a lot of Iranian music is recorded in better quality studios in LA though ;) )

I'd address the above factors before spending thousands of dollars on potentially unnecessary source/amp upgrades.

Dynamic Turtle said:

No, I live in London, but I have to go to Tehran occaisionally to see family. I don't know "Mr. Rahmani" either.

Given the massive power supply problems and huge fluctuation in mains electricity in Tehran, I'd be interested to know what filters you use?

Even equipment as well designed as Accuphase & Krell can't possibly deal such huge variation in supply. If you aren't using any, I'd definitely look at getting some (and I don't mean those useless "white box" transformers that Tehranis use for their fridges & tv's!!)

Secondly, do you use official cd's or copied cdr's? I found it almost impossible to find officially manufactured cd's in Tehran. Even the upmarket stores sell cd-r. This must have an impact on the end sound quality, as the cd's used are always of the lowest quality.

The pirate manufacturer is probably not interested in the quality of the transfer and his recording equipment is also probably cheap and nasty!!

Thirdly, I would imagine that recording studios in Tehran are pretty basic and archaic by western standards. I would imagine that music recorded locally using outdated/cheap equipment might end up sounding unnatural and bright perhaps? (I know a lot of Iranian music is recorded in better quality studios in LA though ;) )

I'd address the above factors before spending thousands of dollars on potentially unnecessary source/amp upgrades.


All you mentioned are right.
i should first correct power supply and earth connection.
i buy red book cd's from uk. my dealer bring it for me from uk.
second i should correct my amp/speaker matching by 2250 and i should buy good speaker cable like fadel art. but still i need better digital source.
I'm suprised to hear that you don't already use electricity filters. Supply fluctiations could damage your equipment without it.

I'm glad to hear that you feed your Accuphase with proper CD's!

As for "upgrading" your digital source, why don't you consider adding a DAC like a Nagra? There was a very favourable review in an English hifi mag where they used a DP-85 as transport and a Nagra DAC (i forget the model number) as processor. I think it cost about $12,000 and according to the reviewer, sounded very impressive!

In my opinion, there's probably no point buying another transport mech - you already have a very good one in your current Accuphase. You should experiment with different DACs first. I'm sure Theta, Nagra or dCS have something suitably impressive in your price range!

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Dynamic Turtle said:
I'm suprised to hear that you don't already use electricity filters. Supply fluctiations could damage your equipment without it.

I'm glad to hear that you feed your Accuphase with proper CD's!

As for "upgrading" your digital source, why don't you consider adding a DAC like a Nagra? There was a very favourable review in an English hifi mag where they used a DP-85 as transport and a Nagra DAC (i forget the model number) as processor. I think it cost about $12,000 and according to the reviewer, sounded very impressive!

In my opinion, there's probably no point buying another transport mech - you already have a very good one in your current Accuphase. You should experiment with different DACs first. I'm sure Theta, Nagra or dCS have something suitably impressive in your price range!


About DAC i agree it's better solution and dcs is avalible in iran but it's price is over my budget. i should wait for save money.
Amir you could try the new DCS single box player its UKP £7k allows for direct drive as well, its actually pretty good for a DCS. (I've owned DCS and found it way to unmusical, but pretty good for hifi ). The new single box unit also does sacd as well.
Worth an listen.
wadia-miester said:
Amir you could try the new DCS single box player its UKP £7k allows for direct drive as well, its actually pretty good for a DCS. (I've owned DCS and found it way to unmusical, but pretty good for hifi ). The new single box unit also does sacd as well.
Worth an listen.

Please tell me about difference of "hifi" and "musicality"!
I want to know what they mean?
Thanks wadia
Hifi sound ......the sort that you hear in dem rooms and shops

Musicality ......the sort of sound you hear in the real world, at concerts or with live musicians.

One is designed to entice you to buy the second is for your enjoymant
Hifi lovers, prefer the PRESENTATION over the form itself.
They are more concerned with placement of instruments, staging, Imaging, absolutely 100% tonal accuraccy, big big bass. Whilst forgoing the involvment, drive, groove & musical cohesion that binds a performance together.
Musical preferences do play a large part in the selection of kit too.
For example Levinson great hifi, poor musical performance. Densen great musical qualities, far less empthesis placed on Presentation.
Each do their own things very well.
I prefer a more musical approach with some hifi traits thrown in.
Room/speaker interaction is your biggest foe/friend. Do Not over look it. Wm

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