Anyone else just watch that? Get home from a night shift and fancied some light entertainment. And that's just what I got :) Arnie was halfway through his speech by the time I switched the tv on, "if you believe that this country is the best hope for democracy, and not the united nations, then you're a republican" and something about "economic girly men" Then wheel out the daughters and cue the audience laughter (I'm sure I seen tv show studio audience type prompters!!!). What great folks Maw 'n' Paw are. Then get Big Dubya on a live tv link to introduce the secret campaign weapon, the First Lady! What a joke! I went to watch the WWF up in Manchester a few MOnths back. There was less play acting and showmanship there!!! Now, I agree with making politics interesting (accessible), in a way. But still.... Shouldn't these things be "fought" on issues and fact? Are we that dumb we need all the glitz and show?