Using U.S. mains plugs in the U.K.

I would suggest that these types of 'micro tweaks' would only be carried out on the very highest of gear, where the person has more money than sense.

No I havn't heard, but find the whole idea of fitting new plug sockets, to eccept a foreign plug, bloody stupid.

And remember, from a scientific stand point, you have said it sounds better, how will you prove it?

I propose that you havn't heard a difference and refer you back to my previous post, its nice to be different. Different is not always better.
Garyi, I see your angle here, I have the ability to have to have the same power chord out of the samle conditioner one with a UK plug the other with the Yank end, so i can do a direct comparsion, more difference than you think, 'Hubbel' style plugs are no dearer here than a good MK £8, so providing the are 240v, then as the naim guys are so found of saying why spoil the line :)
Ah, Mr Tone.

would you adam and eve it, on the week of the 8th and 9th of september I have training.

Guess where?


i'll pm you soon, because you can entertain me on the Sunday!


Originally posted by garyi

A big question I have, and frankly you are going to need a rock solid answer, is why do you want to change the UK plug anyway?

Here's a suitable answer from earlier in the thread:

"Oh, and they sound better apparently (no fuses?)".

IMPROVED SOUND QUALITY. Is that a 'rock solid' enough answer for you, garyi?

Fused plugs sound worse than un-fused plugs - no question.

Of course, as far as having an optimised mains set-up is concerned, that only gets you a very small part of the way...


[Who runs (where unnecessary) a completely un-fused system to great effect]
Originally posted by wadia-miester
Merlin, so MR MR hifi John Carter bought a shunayta off you eh?, blimey must be strange hearing all those things he's been missing :), wait til he really gets into it ;) WM

No, it wasn't me. I'm not missing anything thank you WM, and I'm already "into it" :)

