VHS videos - giving away?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by michaelab, Jan 21, 2005.

  1. michaelab

    michaelab desafinado

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Lisbon, Portugal
    I've got about 25 pre-recorded VHS video cassttes and I vaguely remember that there's some charity (I seem to think it was Amnesty for some reason) that wants old English language videos - can't remember why though.

    Anyone know anything about this? Otherwise I'm just going to give them to Oxfam or similar. Bummer is they're not much good to charity shops here since they're all in English or with English subtitles (for foreign films).

    Of course if anyone here is interested then I'll post a list of titles but I don't want to do them piecemeal - whoever takes them off my hands has to take the lot.

    michaelab, Jan 21, 2005
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